March 29, 2009

More Questions & Daily Post

First, the questions and my answers. Then I'll do my normal daily post.

Has master ever hurt you or did something to you in a way that made you second guess your master slave dynamic with him?
*ponders this* No He has never done anything that has made me second guess the dynamic that we share. There have been times where I have wondered what our relationship would be like if we were just vanilla, no kink. But when I asked Him if we could try it and He agreed, I basically felt like my world was crumbling around me. I got very scared, and I honestly have no idea why. That same night I begged for Him not to make me go through with it. I was crying and shaking. He calmed me down and said that He wouldn't make me.

I’ve always been interested in your slave mat. What exactly is it? A yoga mat..a sleeping bag…? Would you be willing to show a pic? Or two or three..*giggle*
Honestly, it's simply a blanket folded over a few times with a few of those pillows that have arms on them tossed on it so I can prop myself up. That's it. It's a very thin blanket. And eventually it can get uncomfortable since it is so thin. I used to have a thicker blanket, but it got torn so we just grabbed another blanket out of the closet and used that. I'm thinking of asking Master if we can get another comforter, a thicker one, for me to use instead. The main the reason I would like a new one, is for comfort since that's when I normally stay unless I'm on the computer.

But for now it's just a simple blue thin blanket with two pillows with the arms on it. I don't have any pictures, unfortunately.


And now for my daily post. :-)

Today Master and I actually got to sleep in. It was still sleeting out when we got up, so we decided to just make it a lazy day. We just sat up and relaxed in the living room. About mid afternoon our friend B called and asked if we would mind if he stopped by after he got out of work.

So he stopped by and told us about this new girl he's taken on a few dates. We talked about various things and watched Master play video games for a little while. We went out to dinner and had a good time telling jokes and what not. When we got home we watched some South Park. B stayed until about 9pm. Master and I continued to watch South Park and now I'm just doing my post and then it's off to take my bath.

We both have to get up before 7am tomorrow, but since we slept in we know we won't be ready to go to sleep by 11pm. It's amazing. We used to be such night owls when I was working 2nd shift. Now? We're in bed sometime between 11pm and midnight. Our "bed time" used to be somewhere between 2am and 4am. Weird. But I like 1st shift a lot more. I'm home before it's dark out. Master and I get more time together, and we can actually run errands after work if we need to. It's some what odd that stores and banks are still open when I get home. *gasp*

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