May 22, 2009

Let The Three Day Weekend Begin

The week is over and now, the three day weekend begins!

Master had another long day at work, so when I got out of work I walked to B's job and he took me home again. Hey, at least I'm getting plenty of exercise and fresh air. :-)

When I got home, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Master was in His recliner. He had gotten home about 15 minutes before I walked in the door.

We talked about our days and then went out to dinner, like we do every Friday. We had a great time, joking around and just relaxing. I think we were both breathing a sigh of relief that it was the end of the week.

This weekend is a bit hectic. Sunday I'm going down to my mom's for a few hours. Monday we are going to His mom's for probably two to three hours. But tomorrow? That's our day. We're just going to relax, hopefully sleep in, and have a good time.

Master and I haven't had a lot of time together this week. Well, not quality time anyway. And a lot of people may say, "Well you see each other every day, what's the big deal?"

The big deal is that I'm addicted to my Husband, and there is no option of rehab. My Husband may annoy me, or get under my skin sometimes.. as I'm sure I do to Him.. but He is the love of my life. He is the sexiest man to me, and I love Him dearly.

We always joke that this is the longest one night stand in the histories of one night stands. Why? Because that's what we were supposed to be. We were supposed to be a booty call. We hooked up, that was supposed to be it. But we ended up hanging out, falling in love rather quickly, and now we're over 6 years into it.

I also joke that if nothing else I've proved Him wrong at least once. *smirks* When we first started dating He told me He never wanted to get married again. He had been married once, and it left a bad taste in His mouth. But then I proposed to Him, and we've been married for 2 years.

I realize this post probably isn't making a lot of sense. I'm rambling. But I've been thinking about Him all day, and how much I love Him. I've also have been thinking about the past six years and all the good times we've had. And it's put me into a some what sappy mood.

And I'm looking foward to having all day with Him tomorrow, most of the day with Him on Sunday, and most of the day with Him on Monday. *bounces up and down happily*

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