May 4, 2009

Update On Previous Post

Master just called again. He does have to go to that second job. They probably won't be back from the first one until about 11pm or midnight. From there they have to go back to the shop, change gear and trucks, then head off to the other job site. He probably won't be getting out of there until about 4am. Then He has to go back to the shop, get changed, and come home.

It is tempting to stay up and wait for Him. But I know He would not be pleased if I did that. I mean He would be happy to see me, but He'd be upset that I didn't get any rest and then I'd have to go into work. (My goal for the moment, work wise, is to have perfect attendance for my 90 days. So far so good, and it's only a few weeks until the 60 day mark.)

I miss Him. He called me again after He initially let me know what was going on to ask why I sounded so down. I told Him it was just because I miss Him. He says He misses me too but there isn't much He can do about it.

I told Him that I knew that, and that I understood. I am by no means mad at Him. This job of His sucks in the fact that there is no schedule and they can work you up to 16 hours a day.

He needs a normal job. One with set hours, preferably first shift. But right now He needs time under His belt at a job to build His work history. And so He stays, for now.

It sucks though, because everyone else at His job, including His mother's boyfriend, doesn't like their home life or just plain doesn't have one. So they don't mind working all of these hours. Why? Because they either have nothing to go home to, or they just don't want to go home.

In fact the person pulling this shift with Him is His mother's boyfriend, K. He isn't upset about it. I know my mother-in-law is, and I know she'll ride his ass for having to work so late. I swear whenever K has to work long hours she thinks he's out there cheating on her. Why do I think this? Because if Master isn't on the job with K, she'll call and ask questions about what He's heard around the shop or whether He's seen the schedule to see if K is actually working. Why the fuck these two are together is beyond me. They've been together for less than 2 years and already there is no trust, what so fucking ever.

Her and I have talked about this before. She hates the fact that her boyfriend can get called in on a moment's notice and that he seems to lolligag around to get in extra hours and what not.

Master doesn't lolligag. He goes in, He gets His shit done, and He gets the hell out of there. But things can happen that He has no control over, like today. But rather than chew Him out, like my mother-in-law does to K, I am supportive. He is trying to provide for His family. Myself, our dog, and our rabbits. He can't help when His job decides He is going to work. I sympathize with Him. I tell Him I miss Him, but I don't try to make Him feel guilty about it.

I try to make sure that things are done around here, so that when He gets home He doesn't have to worry about it. I also try a little bit harder to look nice for Him when I know He is on His way home after a really long, hard day at work.

What does my mother-in-law do? She bitches, threatens to pack K's shit, things of that nature. And she wonders why she has been married and divorced three times. Fucking hell.

I don't know why this is partial rant about my mother-in-law. I think it's because her boyfriend, and my Husband are in the same boat, and we handle it so damn differently. I mean, why would K want to come home if all he's gonna do is catch hell for making a paycheck? My Husband likes coming home. He may not be in the best of moods, but He's happy to be home.

She asked me how I handle it once. So I told her that I just tell Him I miss Him and can't wait to see Him. Then, once He is home, I try to make sure we can relax and enjoy our time together. She looked at me like I was from Mars, and got that "Oh little girl, you just don't know what you're doing yet," look to her and changed subjects.

He vents, and I let Him vent. I tell Him I understand. Because I do understand. I know He is just trying to make some cash so we can pay the bills, feed ourselves, and maybe even splurge a little here and there. Just like what I do when I go to work. Only His job is a lot less structured, and a lot more stressful.

I may be upset when His job pulls this shit, but that doesn't mean I have to take it out on Him and make Him feel like shit for trying to keep His job so we have two incomes coming into the den. I mean, that only makes sense to me. Maybe that's my problem. Maybe I have to much common sense. Oh wait. That's not a problem. Not having any is a problem.

And holy shit do we know a lot of people who seem to lack common sense. Family and friends alike.

*deep breath*

Right now I'm making a pizza. I know if I don't eat more than chips tonight Master will have my tail, and not in a way I like. So ... I'm eating. I don't really feel like eating to be honest. But I'm going to, as soon as the pizza is done.

We usually go to bed around 11pm. So I'm going to do my best to stick to that schedule. I know I won't be able to fall asleep right away, but at least I can try. And if He calls, wonderful! I plan on keeping the phone next to me on the headboard. Just in case.

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