November 1, 2011


Well, apparently someone commented on my pictures page at some point last night letting me know that apparently one of my pictures had been "stolen" and someone posted it on Flickr stating that it was their own. I'm sorry, who ever posted the comment, but I don't know who you are since I did not read the comment itself. I'll get into that in a minute.

I didn't know about this, meaning the stolen picture or the comment, until this morning. And it wasn't because I checked the blog itself. Normally before work I don't check my blog unless I'm waiting a bit longer than usual for the carpool to show up.

This morning when I got up there was a note from Master telling me about the comment stating that one of the pictures had been "stolen" off my pictures page. Immediately after that sentence He told me to remove the pictures page. So, without thinking to read the comment first, I immediately opened up my blog, deleted the page itself and removed the link from the top bar.

Once I removed the page of course the comment was no longer available. So I would like to thank whoever left the comment for letting Master and myself know about this; otherwise we probably would have never known about it.

It pisses me off for two reasons. First off, it's my face. You don't just steal pictures of someone you don't even know. Secondly, it's Masters work. He took the pictures, they are His property (much like I am).

As I said Master wanted me to promptly remove the pictures page, which I obviously did. Master didn't want His work being stolen again and He didn't want pictures of me in places that we didn't authorize.

So, to whoever stole the picture.. you're a fucking asshole.

Yes, I realize that whenever you put up pictures of yourself on the internet you run that risk. But when it happens it pisses you off anyway.

Sorry guys. No more pictures of me on the blog. Hopefully you're not so broken hearted (sarcasm) that you stop reading my blog.


  1. I understand why, but demmit, you're pretty!

  2. This is the first blog of yours that I read (found you through another blog I read this morning), and I'm so sorry...

    I don't share face pics on my blog, but I do put up a lot of pictures, both there and on Fetlife, and I'm always so worried about this exact same thing.

    At least you found out about it, and now it won't be an issue--it really sucks that you had to do that, though >_<


  3. Bre, I'm glad you found me. :-) And now I've found your blog! (I'm always looking for new blogs to read.) It does really suck. Ultimately it was Master's decision but I totally agree with Him. Perhaps one day we'll bring it back (it's happened before) but for now.. no pics.

  4. That was me. I was searching slave collars on Flickr and lo and behold, there is Kitten. I figured you'd want to know about it, especially considering your professional life. :-/

  5. Thank you very much Lexi! I really, really appreciate it. Now while that picture wasn't all that "revealing" it was a little too close for comfort.
