January 20, 2009

Just Felt Like Writing

It's currently 2am and I can't sleep. I tried, but I can't. So I thought I would hop on here and do a post.

This may get very random, so don't mind me.

Master called again before He was going to fall asleep so He could say goodnight to me. It was good to hear His voice, even though I had just heard it an hour before hand. That doesn't matter. I greatly enjoy His voice.

In fact right now I swear I can hear Him saying, "You should get some sleep Kitten. You haven't been well today."

And He would be right. But I can't sleep. The bed is cold and lonely. I tried to sleep on my slave mat but I can't seem to fall asleep there either. My eyes keep flitting over to His recliner and then the door.So then I tried to sleep on His recliner. That just felt ... weird. I never sit in His recliner unless it is to sit on His lap while He's in the recliner. So I quickly got off of it.

I sound hopeless don't I? I mean He's only been gone a little over two days. But I'm lonely and I miss Him greatly. I don't know how some couples do it, where their spouse is gone frequently for business.

I mean if Master did get a job like that, we would find a way to make it work. But I don't know how much easier it would get, if at all.

I did manage to get some of my work clothes put into the closet (I'm moving them from the dresser to the closet to make room) and to sweep the hallway, but that was it for today.

Master promised that He would call tomorrow, probably around His lunch break. I can't wait.

I've been spending a lot of time with Ghost today. He's eating and drinking just fine thankfully but he keeps looking at the door and then looking at me as if to say, "Where is Dad?". So I keep promising him that Master will be home on Friday. Ghost and I curled up on my slave mat and watched a movie. He fell asleep halfway through it but if I moved my hand off of his scruff he woke up and looked at me like, "What's up?". So I just kept my hand on him, and that seemed to help.

Last night when I went to bed Ghost was already on Master's side of the bed with his head on Master's pillows. (Don't worry Master they were covered up with the comforter, so there isn't any puppy drool on them or anything.) He stayed up there the entire night, which is unusual for him but I think he just liked being on Master's side of the bed.

I've kept myself naked most of the time while I'm at home. When Master is home I'm naked or in lingerie. So it feels weird wearing clothes around the apartment. Although I fully admit that when I get cold I put on one of His sweatshirts. His sweatshirts could be dresses on me, I swear. They come down to my knees, so they are very warm and smell like Him.

Although tomorrow when our friend comes over I will be fully dressed. This friend is the one I am normally naked around when he comes to visit. But that is when Master is home. No way I'm being naked when He's not here.

Well I suppose I should get going. I should get some sleep since I was unable to nap earlier. And I have a lot of cleaning ahead of me tomorrow. Hopefully my sinuses will be done messing with me by that point.

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