January 7, 2009

And Then It Was Wednesday

This is one of those weeks where I feel like I'm just going through the paces. Get up. Go to work. Come home. Repeat.

And I have no idea why. I mean each night Master picks me up and we go home and relax. We joke around and we have a good time. But it's like before you know it, it's time to go to bed and repeat the cycle. Some weeks feel like this, while others.. for some unknown reason.. don't.

I think part of it is because work is so damn hectic right now, which is stressful and pissing me off. But hey, that's life.

As Master posted today He hasn't had much energy lately. And I know I've been saying things like, "I miss having sex." ... "Maybe tonight?" .. etc. And it's not like I'm trying to make Him feel bad. I'm honestly not. I guess I'm trying to let Him know that I want Him. That I enjoy and miss being intimate with Him. (And by intimate I don't just mean intercourse..)

But things have been so hectic lately. Our jobs are both really crazy right now. The holidays just got over with. And now it's again like everyone wants to see us at once. Family, friends, etc. This person wants to do this, that person wants to do that.. and then hey! We could all do this! Yay!


I enjoy spending time with our friends and family (usually) and that's great. I know this weekend is probably shot, but I'm hoping that next weekend won't be and Master and I can get some alone time in, for more than just a few hours in a day.

During His four day weekend we didn't get a full day in. On my four day weekend we didn't get a full day in. Bleh.

Okay I'm gonna stop whining now.


And hopefully, my cold sores will be completely gone soon. As it is they are healing pretty damn fast! Yay! I think within a day or two they'll be gone.

On my way home from work Master and I were talking and we had hit a point in the conversation where we were talking about a funny story He had told me about Himself that happened before I met Him. And I pointed out that it had happened before I met Him and we were laughing. Then I stopped and said, "Wow. That's weird to say." So He asked me what. I said, "To say "before I met You." So He asked why.

I said, "Well I've known You for like... 98% of my adult life. And it feels like I've known You forever, but not in a bad way." And He smiled at me.

But it's true. I met Him literally, 2 weeks after my 20th birthday. I'll be 26 this March. And because we know each other so well and we are the way we are, it does feel like I've known Him forever. And I love it. Because I love Him. :-D My goofy, sexy Master. ;-)

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