January 1, 2009


Well, it's officially 2009. We brought in the new year last night by going out to dinner after Master picked me up from work. While we were eating His mother called and told us that His daughter would also like Him to be there at dinner tomorrow (read today). So we got the name of the resturant and the time.

Master was very nervous, as is to be expected. We went home and talked for a while. We watched a movie and He had started a second movie when I passed out on the floor. I guess I was more tired than I thought. But I had been up since 7am and hadn't been feeling well. So yeah, tired.

So I was asleep when it hit midnight. Such a party animal, aren't I?

Today I got up while He was in the shower. Once He was done I took my shower and then we started getting ready to head out. We stopped off at a store and got His daughter a gift before going to the resturant. We were the first ones there, and as it got closer to the time we got more and more nervous. His mother was a little late, and we had tried to call her cell as well as her boyfriend's, but no one answered. Once they showed up they explained that they had forgotten their cell phones at home.

We were standing there waiting for just a little while longer before Master's daughter and her family showed up. We did the hellos and the introductions as we waited for a table. They are a very affectionate family and His daughter is very pretty and tall. *giggles* Then again having a father who is 6ft4, yeah you'd probably be on the tall side.

There weren't a lot of questions. The adoptive mother asked about His heritage and Master and His mother asked the daughter about school and her interests. It was more relaxed honestly than I thought it was going to be. Everyone got and gave hugs and was joking around.

The lunch/dinner lasted about three hours. I didn't talk very much but neither did His mother's boyfriend. I honestly didn't know what to say a lot of the time. I didn't feel like an "outsider" or anything like that. But this wasn't "my time". I wanted to kind of hang in the background a little. Not enough to seem disinterested or anything like that, but enough so that I did not seem intrusive. A delicate balance. Everyone exchanged contact information at the end of the meal.

So I feel it went really well.

Once we got home we relaxed and talked about how today went. Master has to get up early tomorrow, so we'll probably be going to bed in a little while.

Totally off subject here, but I wear glasses sometimes. Mainly when I'm at work, because I work at a computer all day and I need them to read. But lately I feel like my eyes are getting worse. I might need them more than just when I'm on a computer or reading. And that sucks. I hate wearing my glasses. So, I'm going to have to start looking into an eye doctor and maybe get contacts, if we can afford them.

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