December 14, 2009

Love, Love, Love

This past weekend was absolutely wonderful. It's to bad that it had to end.

But even though it was a Monday, and it was gloomy out due to overcast skies, fog, and rain I stayed in a very good mood all day long. Nothing could bring me down.

And it's all due to my Husband.

This weekend we were all over each other, cuddling, molesting one another, and just being goofy. It was wonderful!

I have a picture from our wedding, at work. It is a wallet sized one, that I have taped to the side of my monitor. I was glancing at it all day long, smiling to myself. It is one of my favorite pictures of us. We both look extremely happy (because we were/are). It's our first picture as Husband and wife. I love that picture to pieces!

I always know I'm in love with Master. That feeling is always with me. But today that feeling soared within me.

And I'm giddy because of it. Not to mention silly and horny. *nods* It's an interesting mix to say the least.

Master told me that I've been a very good girl lately. *beams* That's also adding to my feeling of overall happiness.

But I can't really keep a coherent thought pattern right now. My mind is all over the place. I'm not the least bit tired, and it's only about 45 minutes before I'm supposed to go to bed. I have a feeling we'll be staying up a bit late tonight. Hyper and in love. It's great.

We've been together for almost 7 years and I still get this way. Ya know most people tell you that as time goes on, you lose that and you end up more in a "comfortable" love, rather than an "intense" love. For me, it's a mixture of both. I am extremely comfortable around and with my mate, but it is also very, very intense at times.

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