December 30, 2009

Ink... I Want It!

I could go on about how rough work has been this past week, and how I'm sure tomorrow at work will be rough as well.

I could also go on about how tired and sore I have been. Or how I had the sinus headache from hell this morning.

But I don't want to.

I want to talk about tattoos and how much I miss getting inked!

We've been watching LA Ink, and now we have Miami Ink in queue on Netflix. And I miss it so much! I also talked about tattoos with my coworkers that are in my carpool. One of them has two tattoos, and the other has virgin skin but is interested in getting ink.

I miss sitting in the chair and feeling that familiar buzz gliding across my skin leaving it's mark. I miss the smell of the cleaning solution. I miss watching Master as He gets ink done and locking eyes with Him.

Romantic. Well, for us.

Master has a few pieces He wants to get done. And there are (at least) two more that I want done.

One of them I know exactly what I want. I have the picture saved to the computer. I just have to change the colors on it, that's all. The other one? I have an idea of what I want, but nothing concrete. So that one will have to wait.

It's been somewhere around 3 or 4 years since I've last had a tattoo gun touch my skin. *pouts* I'm hoping that will be remedied sooner rather than later.

And watching these shows are not helping at all! It makes me want to just go hog-wild and get all sorts of tattoos done. But, part of me knows (the responsible part of me) that I can't do that. I have a full time job that I know for a fact would frown upon my having tattoos all over the place. And unfortunately, you can't always live life the way that you want because you have to be responsible. For instance I would love to get my eyebrow pierced, but my job has a "no piercings that are visible" policy.

Now I could get it done and have plastic put in, but I don't know if I want to do that or not. I'd have to talk to HR about it to see if that would be acceptable. Then once it's healed I could put different ones in on the weekends and what not.

When I first met Master I had my eyebrow pierced. He didn't really like it at first, but it grew on Him. I took it out and let it close up because I got a regular job. Now I miss it.

Getting my nipples and VCH done kind have made that longing all the more apparent.

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