December 7, 2009

Caffiene Crash

Yep. Totally starting a caffeine crash right now. Yay me!

So I thought I would do my blog post before I totally shut down.

Master made a comment yesterday about how it seems that I'm getting more bitchy when I'm PMSing/on my period as of late. And I have to agree with Him.

When I first met Him I was 20 years old. PMS?! What the fuck is that? I was care free and like, "Oh wow. My pussy is bleeding again." It wasn't a big deal at all. If there was any side effect what so ever, it was the fact that I was just more horny than usual.

Now, as I near the ripe old age of 27 (a little less than three months away) I have noticed that each month I seem much more irritable, and I feel more bloated than usual and all that fun stuff. It's like one minute I'll be fine and happy go lucky. The next minute, something small will happen, something that has happened a million times over the course of our relationship, and I'll have daggers shooting out my eyes and venom dripping from my tongue. It sucks.

I've been apologizing for it, but it doesn't mean that makes up for it. And I know that it's hormones. But sometimes I look at myself and go, "Who the fuck are you?" when I'm on the rag.

So I told Master I want to look into some over the counter medications. I had a bottle of Excedrin Menstrual Complete. I had used it a few months back, to help with the bloating. Today I took the last pill in that bottle and I feel way better! I'm not grumpy or ready to gouge anyone's eyes out at a moment's notice. I don't know if it is truly due to the pill or not, as I'm on my third day of my period. So that may also be affecting it.

But I think I'll look into the over the counter drugs for menstrual health anyway. Any suggestions/tips/hints/advice?

He must love me to put up with me when I'm like this. Poor Master.

But hey! We had amazing sex last night where I ended up in the slave rape position! *creams*

Today I went off to work. Master called me around 2pm to tell me He wasn't feeling well. :-( It's just sinuses, but His sinuses are horrendous!

Today the driver in the carpool I'm in for work had to go to school, so she wasn't able to take us home. So she dropped us off at a bus stop. Thankfully I had already talked to Master and He picked me up, as well as the other person in the car pool who also would have waited for the bus. We dropped him off, and then Master and I went home.

We ate dinner, relaxed, and now I'm just trying to keep my eyes open.

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