December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Today I slept in until 10am. I'm honestly surprised I woke up that early. Then again last night I ended up passing out on the floor again. I don't know why I'm so tired lately. The weather maybe? *shrugs*

So anyway, Master and I get up and take our time getting ready for the day. I ran to the gas station, and then we cleaned out the rabbit cages.

We noticed that there was freezing rain coming down, so we headed out a little early to my mother-in-law's. Master's family has always celebrated Christmas on Christmas Eve.

So we make a stop at Baker's Square and pick up a french silk pie, like she had asked us to. We then had a nice leisurely drive on the county roads down to her condo.

Surprisingly tonight went well. Normally His mother will bring something, anything, up to piss one or both of us off, without really trying. But tonight everything was pleasant. We exchanged gifts (we got cash), ate dinner, and then something unexpected.

You see His mother has always had a thing against video games. She believes them to be a waste of time, and has been telling Master to "grow up" since He owns an Xbox 360 Elite.

Well apparently they had just purchased a Wii. Master and I were both very surprised by this. She says it's because of all the exercise related things you can do on it.

So we ended up playing around on that for a while. I kicked butt on the wave riding thingy. And I got my tail handed to me on bowling, twice. But honestly, it was kind of fun.

Although with normal games, I couldn't see playing with that kind of system. The little games we were playing were fun, but I could see tiring of them rather quickly. So I don't think, for us, that it would be worth the money to buy one.

Anyway, that was.. surreal. Playing video games at my mother-in-law's house.

We headed out shortly there after and came home. We got comfortable, got a good buzz going, and watched 1,000 Ways to Die. I love that show! They finally loaded new episodes onto the Xbox marketplace! Whoo-hoo!

Now Master is playing Soul Calibur 4 and I'm just enjoying being able to stay up past 11pm on a Thursday night.

Hopefully Christmas day goes as smoothly as today did.

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