December 29, 2009

Busy Damn Day

Today was a busy, busy day.

Last night Master and I had curled up with one another. I had said that I was tired, and so Master said it was probably best that I just sleep then.. ya know, rather than have sex.

I asked if He was mad, that I wanted to sleep. He tightened His grip on me as we cuddled and said, "No. Quality cuddle time with Kitten? Of course I'm not mad."


I love Him.

This morning I woke up and got ready for work. The person in our carpool that normally drives, had taken the day off. So I was driving myself and the other person today.

I went out to the car and let it warm up, and I have to say I so did not miss having to scrape frost off of car windows at 6:30 in the morning. Really, really did not miss that at all.

So finally the car was ready to go, and I called my coworker to let him know I was on my way. I found a really easy way to his house. He was already standing outside when I got there. We talked a little bit on our way to work. It was so nice being able to smoke on the way to work. The person who normally drives doesn't smoke, and there for does not allow smoking in her car. Which sucks.

My work day was crazy busy. I was slammed the entire fucking day. I have this feeling that tomorrow isn't going to be much better. It's only a four day work week so people are trying to get their stuff knocked out, and while I understand that... it still sucks ass.

Finally it was time to go home. My coworker and I got in my car and I dropped him off.

Master had called me earlier in the day and said that He had forgotten to pick up a few things yesterday. So after I dropped off my coworker, I went to the store and picked up those few minor things before going home and being able to relax.

I still was home by like 5:45pm, but it just feels like it's been an extremely long day.

Tomorrow we are getting the first disc of Season 3 of The Tudors! I'm so excited! I can't wait to watch it.

Master and I decided we didn't want to give Rome a try right now, although that might change later on. Right now we're both really into The Tudors, and are focusing on that.

We've also been watching LA Ink. And after that we're also going to watch Miami Ink (which I prefer). But watching these types of shows make me want to get more ink ssooo badly!

So yeah. That's pretty much all that's going on right now.

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