December 8, 2009


I received a comment on my "The Cast" page, from Laani. She asked if I had any friends who I was not related to, and did not know through Master.

The short answer is no, I do not.

The long answer, goes as follows:

I had a lot of friends in Elementary School and Jr. High. But when my mom pulled me out of public school at the end of 9th grade and decided to home school me instead, those friends became fewer and fewer. I didn't talk to them that much. They were busy. I was busy. Whatever. So it got down to a handful of people that I was still friends with. Then I lost touch with more of those people. Some of them moved away. The others I don't really remember why I stopped talking to them.

And then it was down to two, both of them females. One I had been friends with for four years at the time. Her and I stopped talking because her boyfriend didn't like me and she decided that if her boyfriend of two months didn't like me, then I wasn't worth hanging out with. (We were like... 18 at the time.)

So then it was down to one. This one, actually met Master. I started dating Master when I was 20. This particular friend I had known since the 6th grade. So needless to say it was my longest lasting friendship. Her and I stopped talking because she started using heavy drugs, and started using me for money and car rides. Then I started to notice small things missing from my apartment after she came over. I had tried to help her, talk her into going to rehab. Something. But as I'm sure most of you know, you can't help someone who doesn't want help.

And so I severed that friendship as well.

So for the past... wow... almost 6 years, it has only been Master, myself, His friends who have adopted me, and both of our families. Then of course there are the people I work with. But I don't really count them. I mean I talk to them, we joke around, I know parts of their lives outside of work as they know parts of mine. But that's where it ends. Once it's time to punch out for the day and I'm at home, there is no communication between us.

When it comes to friendships it's pretty easy for me to sever that connection if you fuck me over. And when I say fuck me over, I usually mean something big. It's not like my friend and I have a fight over something stupid and then I never talk to them again.

I don't give a lot of chances, regardless of how long I've known said person.

And honestly, outside of the people I am friends with through my Husband, I have no need or want to try and form new friendships. I'll talk to people, and joke around. But I'm not going to try and hang out, ya know?

I'm perfectly content just with my Husband and His (our?) small circle of friends. Master pretty much is my social life. Every now and then we'll both get a bug up our ass and want to hang out with our friends a lot. But it's a cycle, and once that cycle dies down.. hanging out with our friends dwindles down with it. But our friends are very much like that as well, so it works out just fine.

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