March 16, 2010


Okay so the new purse that I ordered was shipped today. It should be here by this upcoming Monday. Yay!

I had a really hard day at work, and when I got home I told Master about it and before I sat down He pointed to the floor in front of Him, after I had taken off my jacket.

So I set my soda down and knelt in front of Him. He told me, as an anniversary present, that I could go online and order some outfits. He gave me a price ceiling (excluding shipping) and I was so happy! I gave Him a big hug and a kiss.

We ate dinner and I browsed online looking for stuff I wanted. I found some things but basically with the price cap I was given, I was only going to be able to get like two things. That would have sucked. So I looked at different websites and eventually gave up and went and took my bath.

But I hadn't given up for long! Once my bath was done and He told me I could relax I was right back to Google looking for different places. Finally I found a website and I got about seven items and was still under the price cap! Rock on!

It'll take a little while to get here, and it won't be here for our anniversary this Sunday but that's okay.

I know we could have gone to the local porn stores and gotten lingerie there but after a while, since they don't seem to change their stock out very much, Master and I end up going "We already have that, that's almost exactly like the other thing, that's ugly, etc."

Online is the best way to go, in my opinion, when buying lingerie.

I'm trying to convince Master to allow me to pay for our dinner on Sunday. He may or may not. We shall see.

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