March 15, 2010

Fitful Night

Master and I had incredible sex last night, and I was exhausted afterward. But for some stupid reason I woke up at 4am and continued to doze on and off, waking up fully every so often, until finally my alarm went off. So needless to say I was not awake most of the day. I was sluggish and just kind of there.

Although one thing I remember, with a smile, about last night (besides the sex I mean) is that at one point I woke up and Master and I were facing one another. He was fast asleep and we were holding each others hand while we had been sleeping. Aw! *swoon*

Work dragged. My supervisor is an asshole. But whatever.

Master picked me up today and on the way home we grabbed dinner. While we ate we watched a movie. I fell asleep during it at one point and when I woke up the movie had reached the end and Master wasn't in the living room. I stumbled around the apartment a bit and realized He was in the bathroom, so I hopped online and waited for Him.

Apparently my poor Husband is not feeling well. As soon as He came out of the bathroom He said He was going to go to bed. He didn't sleep well last night either, or the night before. So I think the lack of sleep finally caught up to Him. :-( Poor Daddy.

Even with my nap that I hadn't really planned on taking, I'm very tired. But if I go to bed to early the dog won't go out anywhere near his normal time and the rabbits will probably get cranky if I put them to bed to early. Plus if I get too much sleep I'll be even more groggy tomorrow. Blah.

I hope Master feels better in the morning and that we have more time together in the evening. I feel bad for taking a nap during the movie. One minute I was watching it and the next thing I know I was waking up. I must have been pretty damn tired.

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