March 19, 2010

Wonderful Friday

Today has been absolutely wonderful. (Also, why the hell can I never spell absolutely correctly without spell check?)

I got up and went to work. It was my half day, so I got out at noon. I love that. I hope I never have to change jobs because not getting out at noon every other Friday would seriously suck ass.

Master picked me up from work since we had plans to meet up with His father for lunch at 1pm, and the carpool would have made me late for that. We got to the restaurant about a half hour early, but it wasn't a big deal because Master and I just sat there and talked, which was nice.

His father showed up right on time, and Master and I stood up to give him a hug and say hello. This is only my second time meeting my father-in-law. Master and His father had not been talking to one another for quite some time by the time we got together. And it wasn't until about a year ago that they got back in contact. And even then it was somewhat flimsy. I am happy to report that it seems that they are allowing the past to remain in the past and are getting along wonderfully.

I really enjoy spending time with His father. He's a very down to Earth, no bullshit, kind of guy. In fact, the thing I find interesting is that even though Master was not raised by His father and only spend limited amounts of time with him when He was growing up, they are a lot alike, in good ways. They seem to have the same sense of humor, the same ability to tell a story about basically anything and keep you interested in it just by the way that they are telling it, and the fact that they aren't afraid to say exactly what is on their minds.

Also, I'm happy to say that my father-in-law genuinely seems to like me! My mother-in-law says that she likes me, but I think she only likes me in so far as "You married my son, so I'll put up with you." I think she really liked me when she first met me. You know, when I was still trying to make a good impression. I covered up my tattoos, I didn't swear all that often, and I was rather quiet because I was forever biting my tongue. Now? I don't care if my tattoos are showing, I swear when I want to, and I don't bite my tongue as often.

Basically she is finally getting to know the real me. And I don't think it fits into her ideal world. Oh well.

On the other hand, my father-in-law cracks jokes with me, and there isn't an awkward silence when Master leaves to use the bathroom and we're left to our own devices. We have an easy time talking to one another. He told Master that I'm spunky. *giggles*

We ended up sitting and talking for a good two hours before he had to get back home. I had a really great time!

After that Master and I came home and I ended up taking a two hour nap. Once I woke up we went to the game store and Master traded in some of His older games and got a different one. It's always great walking into a store, coming out with something new, and not having to pay anything out of pocket. We ate dinner and watched a movie. Now we're just relaxing and having a good time.

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