March 14, 2010

Sunday - A Blessing and a Curse

Seriously. Sundays are great because I don't have to go into work and relax, but they also suck because I know I have to work the next day.

That's the problem with weekends. Friday nights I'm tired (as in ready to pass the hell out kind of tired) by like 11:30pm - midnight, so it's not really that far from my normal "bedtime". Then there is Saturday which is wonderful. But then Sunday comes around and you know that you have to try and get yourself back into a routine so your Monday doesn't suck so badly.

But of course, it's 10pm right now and I'm not even remotely tired. Add to that the fact that although the clock will be saying 6:25am when my alarm goes off, my body will be thinking its 5:30am. Joy.

Today I had the apartment to myself for a little while. So I had to find ways to entertain myself. I mainly watched stuff on the internet and read my book. Although I did make a wish list of stuff I wanted from one of the stores I stumbled upon the other day. That was kind of fun, although I know I won't be able to afford them for a while. Although Master says we can buy like a piece at a time... which would be cool.

But we also have to save up some money so I can go to the dentist and get some of these cavities taken care of. Not cheap, at all. And since we don't have dental insurance, it's all out-of-pocket and they want to be paid upfront rather than on a payment plan which fucking blows.

Oh well. One step at a time.

Although I think I'll be looking up some exercises I can do easily at home because I want to get in better shape.

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