November 29, 2009


The four day weekend is ending! *sobs* But in all honesty, it was a great four day weekend.

Last night Master and I fucked again. Rock the fuck on. *smirks*

This morning we made sure to set an alarm to make sure we'd get up at a half way decent hour, so that we would be able to sleep tonight. So we got up, Master took His shower, we cleaned the rabbit cages and then went to the store to get Master some new ear plugs for work.

We came home for about an hour after that. Then it was right back out the door. We went to His mother's first. We caught up with them, and she gave me a necklace that she had made. I normally don't wear necklaces, cause well.. ya know... I have a collar around my neck. But this one is really pretty. I'll probably wear it some what frequently.

When we left there we went to Burger King and grabbed a quick dinner, and then headed to my father's house.

We had a blast there. We were all joking around and having a good time. Normally we stay until about 10pm, but tonight we knew that we both have to get up at 6am (which is a form of cruel and unusual punishment). So we headed out at about 7:30pm. When we got home I took my shower and now Master and I are relaxing.

Before I go to bed tonight, however, I have to get all my work stuff together. I kinda sorta forgot about it these past four days. Now I have to make sure it's all together again. I could do that in the morning, but I'd probably forget something since my brain doesn't really start to function until at least 8am on a weekday. Noon on weekends, for those of you who were wondering.

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