November 23, 2009

Monday Down...

.. tomorrow and Wednesday to go.

Last night Master and I retired to the bedroom, where we had great sex. We then promptly curled up and fell the hell asleep. This morning He got up and went to work, waking me long enough to say goodbye. When the alarm went off the second time, it was my turn to drag myself from the warmth and comfort of our bed.

I got ready for work, and BC picked me up shortly there after.

Work today was extremely busy. And apparently it was for Master as well. We told one another how our days had gone when He picked me up from work and we were gladly on our way home.

Once home Master took His shower, and we had received Identity from Netflix, so we tried to watch it. Sadly, the disc was cracked so it wouldn't play. :-( I reported the problem to Netflix and they are sending us another copy of the movie. I love Identity. It's a very interesting twist and turn type movie. In fact when I was in college, I did a report on the movie for my Psychology class. I got an A+ on it.

Man do I miss college sometimes. I sometimes miss the homework! *gasp* But I really have no need to go back at this point. I have a good job, that I enjoy. Maybe later on down the road.

So instead we watched Underworld. Yesterday, while Master and I were out running errands, we had picked up the entire Underworld movie collection.

Now Master and I just have to get through tomorrow and Wednesday and we can kick off our four day weekend. The only downside is that on Thursday we have to make the rounds to our family members.

I don't mind seeing my family members, I really don't. But all of them that are somewhat local in the same day? Yeah. Tiring. And we don't know if we are going to go see His mother or not.

He had called her on Saturday, and she never returned our call. She's probably pissy that we haven't come down to see her fiance, KB, yet. But um.. hello! That's why we were calling on Saturday, to set up a time to come down! Master even stated that in His voice mail message. So I don't know what her damage is.

But tonight my left leg and hip are bothering me. Master's back is bothering Him. So we're taking it easy, watching movies, and that sort of thing, while making one another laugh, to let off the stresses of our work days.

Oh the laughs that we have had over the years. :-) That sarcastic caveman of mine can still have me laughing until my sides hurt. It's one of the reasons why I love Him so much.

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