October 19, 2009

I Hate Mondays

Seriously. Hate. Mondays.

I got to work and my coworker, the one who had just gotten a formal written warning was over 15 minutes late for work. *shakes head* If I got a formal written warning I'd probably be showing up to work at least 15 minutes early each day come hell or high water. But I gave her the benefit of the doubt and asked if she had car trouble or something. But no. She had just wanted breakfast from McDonald's, and the drive-thru had taken longer than 5 minutes. Gah!



Okay. I'm better now. On top of that we are behind, again. But I'm helping us catch up by cutting my lunch short, clocking in early, all that happy horse shit. My trainer stopped by our desks today and warned us (or more properly my coworker) that if the work wasn't kept on top of our supervisor may take away our half day option. (Where we get out of work at noon every other Friday.) That would suck.

If my coworker continues to pull her bullshit of talking on the phone most of the time, I think I'm going to go have a little chat with my supervisor. See, the only thing is that I'm afraid of rocking the boat. I'm coming up on 7 months at my job. It'll be 7 months on Friday. So I just do my job and keep my mouth shut.

But I can't keep doing that if she is going to fuck around and make me look bad at the same time. So for now I bide my time, hoping that my coworker will straighten her act out.

Another reason why I am hesitant is because when I was first hired on my supervisor told me that if I have a problem with a coworker her wants me to try and handle it myself first, before dragging him into it. His theory being that we are all adults and should act like it. And I fully agree with that.

But we shall see.

Master picked me up from work and we went home, ate dinner, and have been watching Xena most of the night.

We had wonderful, hot and rough sex last night. Although I didn't get much sleep because I was so used to staying up over the weekend, going to bed at 11pm was difficult.

For instance it's almost 10pm now and I'm not tired at all. Blah.

In fact I should go take my bath.

A more length post tomorrow, hopefully.

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