July 21, 2010


And not the good kind of ow either.

The past two days my right wrist has been really bothering me. At first I thought maybe I had knocked it against the wall in my sleep or something, but today both of my wrists hurt.

Of course, when I said this at work, everyone giggled. Ya know, no matter how much we grow up we still seem to smirk or giggle when we hear anything related to sex it seems.

I told Master about it, and He offered to come pick me up from work a couple of hours early. It didn't take much convincing. So within the hour He was there to get me.

My mother thinks it might be carpal tunnel syndrome, since I type so much. The pain starts in my wrists, and shoots through my hands and sometimes up my arms.

I don't have health insurance at this time, so there is really no way to get it checked out, as I also do not have the cash for a doctor visit.

But what I am going to do (hopefully soon) is invest in those padded things that you put in front of your keyboard and mouse, and have those at work. I don't think I really need them at home, as I don't type that often at home. I mean I'm on the computer quite a bit, but not a lot of typing. Nothing like what I do at work.

Again, still no news on the transfer.

Once we got home Master and I watched two movies, I took a very short nap, and we pretty much just relaxed. I took my bath and put on something nice for Master.

I don't really want to type all that much right now. So forgive the short post.

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