July 3, 2010

Lazy, Lazy Day

Today has been an incredibly lazy day, which I have enjoyed. Master was a bit bored about it but there really wasn't much to do outside, plus it was 84 degrees out. Blech.

Since I had been so ill last night I ended up sleeping for about 12 hours straight, minus Master waking me up when I fell asleep on the couch so I could move on to the bed, curl up, and immediately fall back asleep.

But this morning I woke up feeling rather weak, but okay other than that.

So the only non lazy thing I did today was run down to the grocery store. I only picked up enough for what we needed for dinner tonight, but still. The sucky part was that the grocery store didn't have their air conditioning on and the place was packed. :-|

We had brats for dinner. I was kind of surprised there were any left since tomorrow is the 4th of July. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

Once I got back home we relaxed and watched a movie while we ate dinner. I've been loving the lazy day. Master, as I said, not so much. So I reminded Him that once He starts working His tail off soon He'll appreciate the lazy days a bit more. ;-) That made Him chuckle.

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