May 16, 2010

Productive Sunday

Last night I had fallen asleep on the couch. All that fresh air and walking around had finally caught up with me. Master woke me up and we went to the bedroom where we curled up and He allowed me to fall back asleep.

We got up this morning around 11am. We went into the living room and Master and I woke up a bit. But the next thing I knew Master had me walk over to Him. I gave Him a hug and then He led me to the bedroom by the neck, where He proceeded to wake me up by fucking me. :-D I love His methods. ;-)

Today has been a great day. Do you ever have one of those days (or weekends in this case) where you feel elated, and can't get enough time with your significant other? It's been that way for me this weekend with my Husband. I mean, I always miss Him when I'm at work, and I always love Him. But sometimes, there are days where it just seems like everything is flowing right and Him and I are on the exact same frequency and everything is just.... wonderful.

I love days like that.

Even though it is Sunday, we were pretty productive today. We took Radar to one of our favorite pet stores. Since we've gotten Radar we haven't had to brush or bathe him. But now that he is starting to shed his undercoat, we decided it was time.

Radar had a blast remarking the car windows Master had just cleaned on Friday. *giggles*

We got a new dog brush, some dog shampoo, and then some wheat free dog treats.

Once we got back home we gave Radar his first bath. We weren't sure how he would react. Some dogs are good about it and others freak out. Master turned on the shower and picked up Radar and put him in the tub. All Radar did was give us this sad puppy dog look the entire time. But he stayed put and let Master move him how He needed him. He was such a good boy! I'm very proud of him.

Soon he was clean. I brought Master the collar and leash. Then I moved the couch and opened up our sliding glass doors so He could take Radar outside immediatley.

Radar shook off twice before we got him outside. *laughs* Once he was out there we brushed him out.

He seemed to enjoy the brushing at least.

Now that he's dry and was pampered with extra cuddles and pets, he is an extremely happy pup. I don't think he really minded the bath, honestly. He likes water, at least when it's raining and what not. But I just don't think he liked the tub since he couldn't really get a grip on it when his feet.

Now he's super soft, and his coat is very shiny. He's a happy clean pup. :-)

Tomorrow it's back to the hum drum work week. Joy.

I talked to my mom today. She had to put her dog to sleep. :-( I told her how sorry I was that she had to do that. He was about 12 years old. I hope that he is at peace now, and that he is happy running in a field with all the pups who have came before him.

Unfortunately, my mother talked to her landlord, and her landlord said she can't get another dog until my brother moves out. My brother has my nephews over for a good 8 - 9 hours a day about four days a week. So her landlord feels there are already enough people in the house, and doesn't want my mother adding a dog to it. Um, hello bitch! They had a dog there this entire time, but now because it's not that particular dog, it's not okay? Fuck you lady.

In all honesty I wish my brother would get off his ass and get a fucking job, save up some money, and get the fuck out. He's 25 for crying out loud. I'm 27 and I have to figure out a way to keep on my own. But for some reason he thinks he shouldn't have to. He is enrolled in college, but doesn't start until the fall. And even then, he should be working. I was going to college a while back and I was still living with Master, on our own, and we had to figure things out. It wasn't always easy. Hell, it's still not always easy.

But since I moved out on my own at the ripe old age of 18 I have never moved back in with either of my parents. I have made it work.

I know my mother would take me in if I had no where to go. I know that for a fact. But I would be doing everything I could to get back up on my feet again and get out of her house. Why my brother thinks he's so damn special I don't know. My brother has been living with my mom for 5 months now, since his now ex-girlfriend kicked him out because "he wasn't doing anything with his life". He had no job, and wasn't going to college.

I get that. But then the only reason he enrolled with college was in hopes to get his ex back. They have two kids together (my nephews), and I understand that part. But hell.. that's no reason to stay with someone, or try and get them back when they clearly do not want you. Five months should have shown you that. But she sends him mixed signals and wants to hang out with him without their kids around, when she has nothing better to do.

My mom is without a car. My brother has a car, because my mom helped paid for it to be registered in his name. It was his ex girlfriends. And she is paying all of his bills. Her rent went up because the landlord said that 5 months is not considered temporary. My mom had told her landlord my brother would be there until he was up on his feet. Well, he's not up on his feet, obviously, but the landlord feels she's allowed enough time. So she's jacking the rent by $300.

And what does my brother do? Bitch every time my mom asks to borrow the car. Tells her she should get her own. Oh? And how the fuck is she supposed to save up for a car when she's paying all your fucking bills and now has to pay more money in rent because of you jackass. Not only that but she's putting gas in your car and paying your car insurance, and you're going to bitch about her using your car a couple of times a day, even though she makes sure that you don't have anything planned first?

My brother is way to much like my father. I love my father, and I love my brother but they both do things and act in certain ways that really piss me off. My mom isn't perfect and neither am I. But we don't act like that. We aren't ungrateful.

Master says my mom should kick my brother out on her ass. But she won't do it. My brother has medical problems (seizures, among other things) and so she won't do it. But she did tell my brother that if she can't borrow his car, then she's not putting gas in it, she'll drop his car insurance (it's in her name) and she won't pay his bills anymore. She then told him to get out of her face and that she doesn't want to see him the rest of the day.

This fight occurred today, the day after she had to put her dog to sleep.

My mom had me promise not to bring any of this up to my brother. It'll just make him blow up at her more. I told her I wouldn't, but that if he brought it up, I'd give him both barrels. My brother, after fighting with our mom or dad, will sometimes come to me to try and get me on his side.

But that's not happening. So if he does come to me, I'll let him know exactly what I think of what he's doing and how he's acting. I don't want him to get back together with his ex, but at this point I almost wonder if it wouldn't just be easier for everyone involved.

Wow. This turned into one hell of a rant. Sorry about that. My brother just really pissed me off, and he doesn't even know it.

But honestly, aside from my brother, this weekend has been wonderful. I wish it didn't have to end.

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