May 31, 2010

Again, Not Much Going On

In fact, today there is less going on than there was yesterday. *laughs*

Last night Master and I had planned on fucking, but we were both still sore from helping BC move and it was just becoming more apparent as the night went on. So sleep it was.

I was up before Master this morning. It appears that He is getting a summer cold. Hopefully it's not strep or anything like that. I'll be keeping an eye on Him the best that I can. Although I am returning to work tomorrow, so I'll have to just keep an eye on Him at night.

The carpool I take to and from work won't be able to take me home tomorrow night, so Master will be picking me up. MZ (the driver of the carpool) got a new (to her) car and needs to get it registered. Of course the DMV was closed today, and will be closed by the time we get out of work tomorrow. So she's leaving work a good two hours early to go get that handled.

It's a bit annoying on the one hand, because she offered to take us home if we left at the same time she did, but I can't really afford the time off work. The plus side is that if we have enough work to do tomorrow, I will probably stay late and get a little bit more time on the paycheck. I don't know how late I would want to stay, but I really don't get a chance to stay late at any other point simply because I've already paid for that week in gas to MZ, so it doesn't make sense to stay late and then have Master come out and get me, effectively paying the gas twice for that trip home.

We need extra funds, so I might start picking up a few hours here and there when and if I can. Hopefully my review will be soon so I can get that small bump in my hourly wages. At this rate I think working overtime when I can at my current job is a damn sight better than picking up a 2nd one. That way I can make my own hours (as far as overtime goes) instead of being at the whim of a second job telling me when I have to be there. The downside is that when we don't have the work to justify the overtime, I won't be able to do it.

Plus Master is putting job applications out like crazy, so hopefully something will come to fruition there soon as well.

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