May 10, 2010

Another Week Begins

Last night we did end up going to bed on time. Master was not feeling well and wanted to rest. I think His insomnia must be starting to go away, and His body is starting to crash a little from lack of sleep. That process always sucks. I've been there more times than I care to count, honestly.

I went to work and it honestly was a pretty good day at work. It was busy as hell but it made the day go by quickly at least.

Master picked me up from down town and told me how His 2nd interview went today. He was technically interviewed three times. He was interviewed by the supervisor of the department, then by HR, and then by the store manager.

Hopefully that's a good sign and they'll offer Him the job soon.

Once we got home we took care of the animals, took out trash, ate dinner, I took my bath, and then watched some more Heroes.

I can't believe it's almost 10:30pm already. Tonight has gone by rather quickly. Hopefully that's how the rest of the week will go. At least at work. I'd rather the nights go slower so I have more time with Master and Radar. But beggars can't be choosers, right? Right.

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