May 6, 2010

Good News of a Sort

Today when I got to work V was actually there. Shortly after I clocked in I e-mailed my supervisor and asked him if he would switch me back to checks.

Well about 10 minutes later he sent our department an e-mail stating that we were having a meeting. So we all go to the meeting and he announces that he is putting me back on checks and V back on invoices. This made me very happy! Now whenever V takes off, it doesn't directly effect me and my workload. Shortly after the meeting V left again to go back to the doctor. She fed me some line about her possibly having an ulcer. My mom has ulcers. You don't get basically four days off of work for that. V also took tomorrow off, so make that damn near five whole days off.

Thanks to the rest of my department, and a girl from a different department we still got all of the checks cut for the vendors. Now my trainer said that if I have time, to please work on the backlog of invoices in between checks. Of course I said no problem.

I am a team player when it comes to my job, but with the shit V has been pulling it was getting a bit much.

And I have no idea why she isn't fired yet. It seems like every time she goes over her personal time, she is suddenly sick all of the time and goes to the doctor non stop as an excuse, in hopes (I'm assuming) that she won't get fired because it's medical.

But the rumor is (as no one can of course confirm it) that they are looking for a replacement still. Here's hoping. I also hope V comes in over the weekend to catch up on the invoices. That would be nice.

I am not mistreated by my job. A lot of the stress comes from myself. I put a lot of pressure on myself to do everything at work so it's done and we're caught up. My supervisor and trainer are a bit more laid back on it unless things get too out of hand and then they have us step it up a notch or two.

But if V would get her shit together, it would be great!

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