July 2, 2009

Ups & Downs

Today had it's ups and downs.. and they continue.

Master didn't have to start work until 11am. So I was up before Him for a change. I got ready for work and after B called to let me know he was here, I went into the bedroom and kissed Master goodbye as He slept.

I started work a half hour early, just to get some extra time in. But after that first half hour went by time seemed to slow down. Probably because I know that starting tomorrow, it's a three day weekend. Master called me right before He started work at 11am, and we talked for a few minutes.

Work for me, went fine. It wasn't until I got to the bus stop that I had a bit of a "down" moment. When I'm waiting for the bus, I always stand right at the bus stop. I don't sit down or anything. I just stand there waiting. No big deal right? Well the stop I stand at is a stop for two different bus lines. One of them drives by that stop every time I'm there. It never actually stops. I'm assuming it is not a scheduled stop at that particular point in time. I don't really care, because I don't take that one. Shortly there after my bus line shows up and I'm on my merry way.

Well today, the first bus line (the one that I don't take) was making it's way up the street and a very, very large guy goes up to the stop. I move away thinking he is going to flag the bus down in hopes that it'll stop. I didn't want to be rude, so I stepped to the side. Well as usual that bus doesn't stop, it just keeps on going. The guy didn't try to flag the bus down, he just stood there. That is until it turned the corner and went past him. Then he flipped the bus off and starting swearing rather loudly. I didn't say anything, or make a face, I was minding my own business.

The guy turns around and faces me. He then cusses me out. I'm standing there w/ my eyebrow raised wondering why he's yelling at me. Then he says, "I hope you didn't scare that bus off by standing there." I looked at him like he was nuts and said, "I seriously doubt that." He then says, "Oh yes you did. And that was the bus I needed. Now I get to wait a half hour for the next one you bitch."

As he is talking he took a step toward me. I side stepped him and continued to do so, basically walking around him, giving him a wide birth, as he continued to yell. Another guy who is waiting for the bus I wanted (I only know this because he got on that bus) takes a step toward the guy yelling at me and almost steps between us, but not quite. The guy who was yelling stopped and started mumbling under his breath and walked to the bench and sat down, continuing to glare at me.

I wasn't scared, hell I wasn't even worried. I had my cell phone in my hand, so I knew I could dial 911 if nothing else, plus there were plenty of people around me and it was a short jog to a door that leads into a bank. But I just couldn't understand how someone could think I would "scare away" a bus. I'm 5ft1, standing there in jeans, a business casual shirt, a jean jacket, and a messenger bag.

So yeah, that sucked.

Master had asked me to stop at the gas station and buy cigs once I was off the bus. Thankfully the bus drops me off literally a block from said gas station, so I did that.. came home.. took the dog out.. took my bath.. and am now waiting for Master to get home. It's already damn near 8:30pm. So much for only doing 8 hours in one day like the head boss said due to "financial restraints".

He has no idea when He's getting out of work, and each time He calls to check in, He sounds more pissed off, more tired, and more sore. I understand all of the above, and I'm sitting here wanting to start my weekend with my Master.

His job doesn't know what the fuck it is doing. And how much you want to bet He didn't get a lunch today either? Ya know, like damn near every other day this week.

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