July 29, 2009

Trying To Unwind

Well you remember my last post yes? Thank you all who had commented.

This morning I got up when my alarm went off. Master was still in bed, which is highly unusual. Normally He's up at least a good 20 minutes before I am. But I leave Him there and go to get ready for work. I then come back into the bedroom when I notice He's still not awake and ask if He's going to work. He said no, that He had already called in.

I didn't ask for a reason because I was running late, and I knew He wasn't sick. I figured He had taken the day off to do job hunting. It turns out I was right.

He called me a little after 8:30am and tells me He dropped off the application at the place our neighbor had told Him about and that He was on His way to apply at another job as well.

His post today explains why. He has decided to keep His current job until He gets another one. I understand why. We don't want to slip back into the financial hell we were in a year ago. That's for damn sure. And He doesn't want me killing myself by working as much overtime as I can, and finding a 2nd job.

I'm hoping He finds a new job soon. Preferably one on a bus route because my job is moving at the end of November and while we are trying to save up for another car.. I don't want to buy something that is going to die on us in three months ya know? But whatever He can find.. we'll figure something out.

This morning when He first called me He said I sounded off. In fact He first commented on it when I said, "Hello hun," and He replied with, "Hello beautiful," and I didn't even have a smile in my voice like I normally do when He says something like that.

I told Him I was stressing because of His whole job situation and He said He is trying to get it under control the best He can. I know He is.

Sometimes I wish I could just close my eyes, and when I open them again His job situation is settled and He's found something He somewhat enjoys, pays well, and it's a place that is stable.

It's a lot to ask, I know. There are no guarentees. But I know we'll find Him something that is better than what He has now.

Until then, we take it day by day. As always. Sometimes, it's the only thing you can do.

Thankfully we aren't so stressed out that we can't eventually relax and enjoy our evenings together. :-)

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