August 30, 2010

Kinda Crappy Monday

I'm suddenly very tired at the moment. I just got out of the bath, and I think the hot water relaxed me a bit too much, so now I'm tired. Stupid hot water.

Work was going okay until after I got back from my lunch break. My trainer had to leave, and she won't be in tomorrow, because she got called in for jury duty. That bites. Then Wednesday and Thursday one of our big clients are going to be checking in.. so we are going back to a more strict dress code for those two days. This also means that I have to dig through all my clothes and find those clothes again. Good thing I kept them.

Master picked me up from down town today. MZ started a new college semester today. She was less than thrilled about it. So on the way home Master and I decide we should go out to eat. So we did that, and we talked quite a bit. Or actually He did most of the talking and I just listened.

He knows that I do better when things are strict, even though I might fight against it when I'm not in the best of moods. So He told me, in no uncertain terms, that we're going back to the He says, I do.. no excuses.. no delays.. way of working things. He feels I need more structure to help make my moods more stable. And I can't say that I disagree with Him. (By no excuses, I don't mean if I'm like really ill or something along those lines.. health first as He always says.)

I'm also not saying it's going to be easy. But I'm glad we're going back to that. We had lost our way, and we trying to find our way back to it.

Other than that there really isn't any news. Either that or my brain is just focusing on the big stuff and forgetting all the little details. That could be it. So I apologize for the short post, but work kind of sucked, and then the talk Master had with me kind of put me in a very docile mood which has my brain feeling a little foggy for some reason.

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