August 11, 2010

Double Take

Praise, no matter where it comes from makes a person feel good. Of course praise will mean more depending on who is saying it. I love getting praise from my Husband. I live for the "good girls" and the random affection. I truly do.

And His praise is the best kind there is. He is my partner in this life, and beyond. So of course His is the best.

But every now and again, it's nice to hear it from other people as well.

Today I ended up doing a double take.

My trainer left work early, because she was not feeling well. So after my lunch break my supervisor came and sat with me to answer my questions and walk me through the parts of my job that I am not familiar with.

I would have dreaded that in my old position. My old supervisor didn't teach so much as he commands. And not in a helpful way. He would talk down to you, get impatient, etc. All and all, he's a complete and utter asshole.

But my new supervisor is awesome. In fact, I can joke with him. *gasp* I can ask him questions and he actually seems to enjoy answering them. He's a super nice guy.

Well, towards the end of the day I had run out of things to do, besides one particular thing that I can do without assistance, as I have learned it rather well and it's a lot easier than other parts of my job. So he was about to go back to his office. He stood up, grabbed his chair, and then lingered there at the edge of my cubicle for a moment. I looked up at him and said, "Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it." Cause I mean, what supervisor do you know doesn't bitch about being taken away from all his work to come help the newbie? None that I've ever met before this one.

He smiled, said it wasn't a problem, and then came the double take moment. He said, "I'm very impressed with how you're doing so far. You're picking this up rather quickly."


Excuse me? Praise from a supervisor without prompting or fishing, that isn't being done during a review? The hell?!

I mean I've had supervisors in the past who obviously knew I was handling my shit, and was doing the best I possibly could. I knew this because they had no problem tossing everything they could at me, and never once bitched at how I handled it. And I have always gotten great reviews, regardless of what type of work it was. But I have never once before today received random praise from a supervisor of mine.

So I think I sat here with my jaw open for a millisecond before I recovered. And I was very sincere when I said, "Thank you. Thank you very much for saying that." He smiled and then went back to his office.

Now, I know certain people at work, who had they heard that just have assumed he was saying that because he might find me attractive. I'm not kidding you. Some bitches at my job (V, some others..) would say that once he was out of ear shot. Why? Because they will do anything they can to tear someone else down, because they aren't the center of attention for that brief period of time.

Not only do I not doll myself up for work, I wear jeans and whatever shirt I feel like wearing that day. I'm dressed like I normally would dress to run errands. The dress code at my job is extremely relaxed because no one ever comes into the building except for employees.

I'm not saying I don't look good in jeans and a t-shirt but it's not like I'm trying, ya know? Plus on top of that, everyone at the company knows how madly in love with his wife he is. And he doesn't have that creepy, "Hey baby.." vibe to him at all.

So I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this praise was strictly based on my job performance. Having brains helps sometimes.

When I got home from work, I told Master about it and He seemed very pleased. We ate dinner, watched a movie, and then I went online for a little while. When I was done on the computer I started walking towards Him to get some affection, but instead He pointed at the floor in front of His chair and then circled His finger, indicating that He wanted me to kneel at His feet with my back to Him.

So I did exactly that. It was much to my pleasant surprise that He gave me a nice long shoulder rub.

I had been stupid and carried way too much at one time at work, so my shoulders were killing me. It felt very good and I wished it could have gone on for the rest of the evening, because I'm greedy. *laughs*

But I was very grateful for the shoulder rub He gave me and I got a nice hug afterward as well. I then took my bath and put on an outfit so I would look nice for Him.

I love it when He gives me shoulder rubs, back rubs, whatever, out of the blue like that.

Once day I hope to earn a full body massage. He is so good at giving those and it feels amazing. This may sound weird, but does anyone else know how fucking good it feels to have your ass massaged? And no I don't mean your asshole I mean your butt. Oh. My. Gods. It feels really damn good, especially when He uses lotion. It's just very relaxing.

Okay. Now that I've left that hint out there *giggles* and have probably made myself seem even more weird than usual, I shall end this post.

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