January 4, 2010

Body Modification

I have added a new category to my blog. *points to the ride hand side of the screen* It is called, you guessed it, Body Modification. Piercings and tattoos are body mods and since I am slightly *cough* obsessed with such, I thought it would be appropriate. I will be added the category to past posts that involve that particular subject as well.

So yeah. Last night ended amazingly, with hot slightly painful sex.

This morning it was back to work! But honestly it wasn't that bad. My morning was busy, but tolerable. My afternoon just kind of skated by. It was nice. The hardest part about work today was figuring out how to bend my arm in ways that it naturally shouldn't so that I could put lotion on my newest tattoo. Seriously, I am glad that my back is done for tattoos! Holy hell. It's not because of pain or anything like that, it's just so damn hard to take care of when you can't reach every part of it!

Thankfully a coworker of mine helped me a few times. The rest of the time I just did it myself the best that I could. And Master does it for me when I'm at home, because He loves me so much. :-D I'll be glad when the healing period is over with. I miss being able to sit back and rest against things. I also miss being able to lay on my back, for multiple reasons, although sex is among the top three. (Okay, so it's #1....)

I'm planning on one more tattoo, I just have to figure out exactly how I want it done. That'll bring me up to a nice even 12. After that it'll be touch ups I think.

So yeah. Today wasn't bad at all.

Then came the ride home. As I've said I'm in a carpool. And we always use one girl's car and the rest of us in the carpool pay her gas money. Well a couple of weeks ago, this girl brought her car in on a work day to be looked at. So I took myself and the other person in the carpool to work that day. As it turned out it was the head gasket on the car. So the car was junked.

So she has used her boyfriend's car since that point in time, because technically that is also her car and also he takes the bus everywhere anyway.

Well everything was going fine and then suddenly, on the way home, she can't turn the steering wheel. She pulls over and I called Master. He came to pick me up. When we got home we ate dinner and relaxed a bit. Then the girl called and said that this car now has to get fixed, and that her boyfriend will be taking it in.

So tomorrow I get to drive all three of us to work.

It's not a big deal really. It just means I have to get up earlier than usual so I have time to get ready for work and also warm up the car. I hope there isn't a lot of frost on the windshield! Gah. I hate scraping windshields. My arms aren't long enough to reach every single spot so then I have to sit inside the car and wait for the defroster to do it's job, which of course takes forever when it's freezing outside.

But hey. It's one day. I'm not trying to sound whiny or anything. I'm just a bit nervous about the drive tomorrow because people are utter assholes during morning rush hour.

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