January 28, 2010


I don't even know what the title of this post means. It just seemed fitting I guess.

Last night Master played Mass Effect 2 again. He offered a couple times to watch a DVD with me, but I knew He really wanted to keep playing the game. I know He has waited on that game since He finished the first one, plus He had been without His Xbox 360 for a while. And that would be like me being without a computer for that long. I'd be obsessed with getting reacquainted with it.

So I said no, that it was fine. I would just stay on the computer. And really, it was fine. We took care of the animals a bit early. We usually take the dog out and take care of the rabbits around 11pm. I suggested that we do it at 10:30pm so that it was done with and we could relax afterward. So we did that, came back out into the living room and Master resumed His game and I went back online.

Around 11:30pm I convinced myself that I should probably get my tail to bed so I wasn't overly tired in the morning. I normally go to bed around 11pm so, yeah. Bed time.

So I stood up and looked at Master and said, "I'm tired Sir. I'm gonna go to bed." He nodded and said that was fine. I asked if He was going to bed with me, and He said no because He was close to beating the game.

That irritated me a bit. He had stayed up late the night before, and I had gone to bed alone because He wanted to play the game. And again? *sigh* But I told myself that part of it is the excitement over the new game, and part of it may be insomnia. Which it very well may be. I didn't bother to ask.

I started to shuffle down the hall to the bedroom and He stopped me and asked for a hug.

I hate sleeping by myself. It is hard for me to fall asleep when He's not in bed with me. Plus I look forward to cuddling up in bed together each night. I could have slept out here in the living room, but Mass Effect 2 has a lot of talking, and Master needs to hear it because it tells Him what to do next and all that. So I knew I wasn't going to sleep through all that plus gunfire. At least not easily.

As it was, after I climbed into bed and tried to get warm, I could still hear the game loud and clear. I thought about shutting the bedroom door, but when I do that our dog whines and whimpers because that door is almost never shut and he's used to being able to go wherever he wants in the apartment. So I figured hearing the game was better than hearing the dog and then hearing Master bitch at the dog.

So I covered my head with a blanket and concentrated on sleeping. Eventually I drifted off.

I got up this morning and somehow I knew today was going to suck. And I was right. Of course.

Work was a pain in the ass. My coworker told me she might leave early today, or just take tomorrow off. Which would have meant that I would have to do her job plus mine, and I can't really do both at the same time. So I cranked the work that was necessary as fast as I could in preparation for her leaving so I wouldn't be so backlogged.

I finally asked her if she was in fact leaving, after I had gotten a shitload of work done, and she said no. *sigh* So I did the other stuff I had set aside earlier in the day. But it didn't help that they had someone in the building applying stain to pieces of furniture in certain offices. And of course one of the offices was the one I sit right fucking next too. So that gave me one hell of a headache for most of the day.

I got out of work and came home. We need to go grocery shopping, so shortly after I walked in Master asked what I wanted to do for dinner. I didn't really care cause I wasn't that hungry. So I said MacDonald's. So He said, "Okay." and then asked me who was running.

He was sitting there in His recliner with clothes on but no shoes or anything. So I sighed and said I would go. Normally when He asks who is doing the run to get whatever, that means He doesn't want to do it.

So I hopped in the car and blasted music. I was already in a bad mood, and for some reason loud music does one of two things. It either ramps me up more, or it acts as a release so I can calm down.

Thankfully this time it allowed me to calm down. Although I think the nice hot bath I took immediately after dinner, and the Mike's Hard Lemonade I drank helped a bit too.

So I'm calm and just kind of here at the moment. But I can't wait for this week to be over.

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