January 19, 2010

Fuck You Tuesday.

And by that, I am telling the day of the week, Tuesday, to fuck off. I just wanted to clarify in case someone reading this is actually named Tuesday. Hey, it could happen.

Last night Master and I had exchanged back rubs, but His back was still bothering Him. His spine wasn't straight and it was causing the surrounding muscles to pitch a bitch fit. So we ended up curling up and falling asleep, instead of fucking. But with Master's back how it was, we didn't really want to push it, so it was probably for the best.

So let's see.. How did work go?

Thank you for asking.

Well, let's see here. First, I was tired for some stupid reason when I first got up, and the sluggishness didn't wear off until about an hour into my shift. On top of that, because of a mistake my direct coworker made that she had to fix, I ended up doing her job for two hours before I could start on mine.

Then towards the end of the day my trainer walked up to me and asked me to enter in 450 items into the system because someone else was backlogged. I pulled it off, yet again. My fingers kinda hurt. Damn me and my fast typing skills!

As Master says sometimes I am a victim of my success. It seems to be true at any job I've had. I do my best, I work my tail off, and then I get sucked into helping everyone else who is lagging behind for one reason or another.

But at least at my current job they seem to notice it. And I get thanked by my trainer! At my old jobs it was expected of me, and that was that.

Wow did that sound conceited. Oh well. It's true. (That it happens. Not that I am conceited.)

So when I walked in the door today Master could tell that I've had one hell of a day! So He's been making me laugh and was affectionate with me shortly after I got undressed and had relaxed for a little bit, which was nice.

Also I made my first dentist appointment. *dun dun dun* It's on February 6th. Thank Gods for dentists that are open on Saturdays. And also? I'm glad I decided against that whole university dentist school thingy. AM, the guy in my carpool, has a fiance who just so happens to work at said university. She went to them for dental work and she hated it. She says that while yes it is cheaper, she was in a lot of pain afterward and it was just a horrible experience.

Plus as Master said tonight, with my fear (literal) of dentists, he would rather me not go somewhere where students are going to be performing the procedures. He thinks I would freak out more knowing that I was a test subject. He's probably right.

I freak out at dentists. I shake like I'm having a whole body spasm. I cry. I hyperventalate. It's not a pretty sight. And since the dentist I had the consultation with is someone I actually liked and didn't freak out while just talking to (which is very rare) Master would rather we pay a little more just to put my mind at ease.

So the first appointment is made. It's going to be an exam, cleaning, and x-rays. After that I schedule my first appointment for a cavity to be filled. Master and I talked about it, and if we just do one a month, we should be able to afford it with no problems. We'll of course start with the worst cavity and just work our way down to the smallest one. It'll take time, but step by step we'll get there.

And depending on what we get back in taxes (if anything) we may be able to get some more done than originally planned.

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