January 30, 2010

Not A Lot To Say

I don't really have a lot to say tonight. I mean last night I slept in the living room until Master was ready for bed, since I didn't have to get up early in the morning. And then we both slept in until about noon today.

I only left the apartment once today and that was to make a run to the gas station. That is when I discovered that it was snowing. Yuck. I'm sick of snow.

For dinner we had Pizza Hut.

For entertainment we have been alternating between doing our own things (on the computer and Xbox 360) or have been watching Dexter on Netflix.

Other than that we've been just trying to stay warm by remaining clothed and cuddled up. Him in His recliner and me either on the computer chair or on my slave mat.

So yeah. Not a lot going on.

But hey! At least it's a nice lazy Saturday!

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