January 16, 2010

Yesterday & Today

Yesterday after I got out of work, I was dropped off at home by my carpool. I walked in the door, and got changed. Master and I headed out shortly there after.

We went down to His home town to have dinner with His mother and her fiancé. The food was good. We talked and gave them their cards and gifts. About an hour later, we then headed down to my dad's. We stayed there for a few hours before finally heading back home.

I took my bath and Master and I relaxed and watching a movie, until Master decided it was time to go to bed. He had allowed me to skip my blog post because I had been up since 6am and we had gotten home late.

When we got to bed we fucked, came back out into the living room for a cigarette, and then went back to bed, curled up and fell asleep.

Today the alarm going off tore me out of sleep rather violently. It was weird. I heard the alarm go off, and the minute my eyes popped open all of my defenses were up and online.

My heart was racing and I very quickly sat up in bed and scanned the room. I have no idea why this was. I looked at Master and He was sleeping soundly. I rationally told myself that if something was really wrong He would have woken up as well. It must have been a dream that somehow made its way into my waking mind. *shrugs*

I turned off the alarm and had to sit there for a few moments before I was able to calm myself down.

I went into the living room and got ready. I had a consultation scheduled at a local dentist. The problem is that I have cavities, and while they don't hurt me, I want them taken care of before they do. I haven't been to a dentist since before we were married. Why?

Well we've never had health insurance, let alone dental insurance. The ones that are offered through my job(s) over the years have never been that great, and are expensive as hell to boot. This includes my current job. So I haven't really been able to afford a lot of things to be done. Not to mention the fact that dentists scare the hell out of me. When I was 14 I had my wisdom teeth pulled out (all four) and that son of a bitch was a butcher. I had complications from it. He didn't suction at all while he was doing it, so I was swallowing all of my blood. My mother had paid extra to have him knock me out, but instead he used laughing gas. I was awake the entire time.

Needless to say it kind of scarred me, and has made me afraid of dentists ever since. The mere thought of having to go is enough to make me start shaking, or possibly cry.

Master woke up shortly before I left. He assured me I would be fine. He reminded me that it was only a consultation, so not to worry too much.

So I went. The doctor was very nice. He didn't lecture the shit out of me. Instead he said that he understands, especially since I haven't had dental insurance since I was 18, how these things could happen. He had a very good bedside (chair side?) manner.

He told me that he would want to start with x-rays, an exam, and a cleaning. He said that would cost about $110, up front. That is a lot better than the other places that I called that said it would be $250.

Basically since I don't have dental insurance I would have to pay immediately after the procedure. He told me to fill a cavity, it would probably cost around $160.

So it would be a long, and well obviously expensive, process. But I liked the doctor.

It's just being able to afford it that is the problem. Master and I will have to budget it in somehow. I've also thought about looking into dental insurance outside of my job to see if that would make more sense financially.

Our friend SS works at a dental office, but he is much further from home and doesn't take patients without insurance. But I told her all this and she told me of a University that does it at about 50% cheaper, because it's a learning tool. But I don't know if I like the idea of a student fumbling around in my mouth, even if there is a regular dentist right there.

I'm not to thrilled about having to get all of this work done. (Quite a few cavities unfortunately.) It scares me honestly. For whatever reason I can handle going to a regular doctor a lot better than I can handle going to a dentist. But I'll get through it. This needs to be taken care of, one way or another.

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