January 27, 2011

Master Makes It All Okay

I had a very shitty day today. I won't go into the whys of it as it all has to do with work, and I hate blogging about that constantly. So let's just stick with I was having a very shitty day.

I was telling Master about it while I was still at work and He immediately tried to start cheering me up. And it didn't take long before I was in a better mood and in a better frame of mind because of it. I apologized to Him for being cranky and He said He understood and that the reason(s) why were completely understandable.

To me this means a few things. First, I was not overreacting. Which is a very good thing. This also means that my medications are working and I'm acting more "rationally". It also meant that I had not overstepped any lines when talking to Him.

So it was Master to the rescue once again today. I can only imagine how much worse my mood would be right now if He hadn't cheered me up and made me laugh. When I get in a bad mood sometimes I have a really hard time getting out of it. Instead I kind of just let it cycle through my mind over and over again, which makes me more and more pissed off. But nine times out of ten He can snap me out of that cycle with a quick joke. And when we're face to face all He has to do is give me a nice long hug and kiss the top of my head and all is right with the world.

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