January 12, 2011

Today Sucked

Today sucked. The reason why it sucked is all work related. And I'm trying really hard not to post about work. So I will simply say that today sucked, and when I got out of work I was in a bad mood. Not seriously pissed off, but just in a bad mood.

And it stuck with me for most of the evening. I got home, and had to run back out to grab us something to eat and get myself cigarettes. I came back, ate, told Master why my day sucked, and then tried to calm down. It wasn't really working all that great. It wasn't like before my medication when I would just go off into a whole different world of pissed off. Nothing like that. Just crabby cause my day had gone badly.

So after dinner, and after I had checked a few things on the computer, I took my bath. I stayed in the bath a little longer than usual just trying to calm down and relax. I didn't want to ruin our entire evening so I was seriously making an effort to get out of my bad day funk. And it worked. I'm in a much better mood now. Amazing how a hot bath can help with that. After I got out of the bath I took my meds and am now getting my blog post done.

I had called the tattoo parlor though and asked if I could e-mail them a picture of the tattoo I want. The guy I talked to said that wouldn't be a problem and that if I could tell him where I wanted it done, he could probably give me a ball park figure so I wouldn't have to go into the tattoo parlor just to get a ball park price on it so I can start saving up.

So I have e-mailed the picture to the tattoo artist, and he said I should probably hear something from him sometime tomorrow. I have a feeling that it's going to be a decently priced tattoo. Nothing too expensive as there isn't a lot of detail work to it.

Two more days until the weekend. And I'm hoping it's a relaxing weekend with a whole lot of not much going on. Master and I have been running around a lot lately because of His freelance job, and it would be nice to have a weekend with more downtime than not. I know He feels the same way. The money is always a good thing, but still.. a weekend with down time would be a very nice thing.

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