January 25, 2011

Just This Once...

Okay, I know I said I wouldn't post about work. Or did I say I wouldn't post about it very often? Either way, I don't want to post about work very often on my blog because there are better topics to focus on. However, I'm going to post about work today. It kinda ties into the whole emergency trip thing.

Okay so I went to work this morning. I woke up feeling fine, that is until the car ride to work. Since the interstate is under construction (when isn't it?) it's not a very smooth ride in certain parts. And so by the time I got to work my neck was kind of pissed off at me. So I took a muscle relaxer and sent an e-mail to my supervisor asking when would be a good time to come and talk to him. He replied almost immediately saying that he was free now.

I was a bit nervous. I've never admitted to anyone I've ever worked with or for that I have fibromyalgia. I know it's not a big deal and it's not something to be embarrassed about. But normally I figure it's no one's business. But this time it was. So I went into his office and handed him not only the note for work from the ER doctor, but also a list of medications that I was prescribed and I showed him the other paperwork I took home from the ER. Basically I brought everything with me except for the bracelets they make you wear when you're checked in to the ER. He looked genuinely concerned, and said that he understood why I didn't come to work yesterday. Hell he was even trying to help me figure out how to make up the hours in the quickest way possible. He's a great supervisor.

He said he would talk to HR for me regarding this since it's ultimately up to them if it counts as a valid "excuse" for going over my personal time/vacation time without being written up. (Basically if you go to the ER because of alcohol poisoning cause your dumbass got drunk the night before work... yeah.. that's probably not going to fly.)

About a half hour later HR sends me an e-mail asking me to come to her office. So I go. She said that there will be no disciplinary actions what so ever, but that I still had to make up the time. She then told me that if I get a primary care physician (which I already planned on doing) and I could get them to sign a FMLA form then if this kind of thing happens in the future and the doctor agrees that it was necessary for me to not be at work then it won't count against my personal time or my vacation time and I won't have to make up the hours unless I want to.  So I'll be looking for a primary physician soon. Not just because of stuff like this, but because I should do it anyway. That way I can go to a regular doctor for my fibromyalgia rather than the emergency room when it gets to the point that I just can't move without crying.

So I do have to say that I have a great job. Very understanding, very supportive. I genuinely enjoy working there, even if I wouldn't mind an extra day off or two here and there. ;-)

I think that's part of the reason why I freak out when I make a mistake or can't easily keep up with my work. 1) I've never been fired from a job. 2) I've never been written up at a job. 3) I really like my job a lot. 4) I really fucking need my paycheck.

So it looks like since I take the carpool to and from work I'll just have to clock in as early as I can based on what time my ride gets me there, cut my lunches as short as possible, and then probably have to work the rest of it off on Saturday. Which sucks, but it couldn't be helped really.

As far as why "Marriage" is tagged in this post?

My Husband fucking rocks. That's why. He checked in on me a few times throughout the day. He even offered to drive out the pain meds I left at home. (I brought the muscle relaxers and the nasuea pills with me.) That's a 45 minute drive just to bring me pills. I told Him I'd be okay and that I was taking Advil at work and would be fine. I also promised that if it got too bad I would tell Him. But mainly I was just drowsy most of the day. And a bit stressed because I had so much work on my desk when I got there. And as soon as I got something done, something else was placed on my desk to replace it. I got more done than I expected to. But I hate being behind at work. I pride myself on staying on top of my work flow. So this is driving me nuts. I'm hoping that I get to work a bit sooner tomorrow but I can't force the carpool to leave any sooner than they want to. So I'll just do my best and keep doing my best. By the end of Saturday (which I'm assuming I have to work) I'll be caught up. I won't leave until my work flow is right where it should be so I can start Monday with a clean slate.

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