September 25, 2009

Hissy Fits Can Be So Damn Amusing

Oh yes, yes they can.

And no, I wasn't the one throwing the hissy fit. I'm behaving myself. Mostly.

Anyway, we are on a social networking site. And LN and his wife MN are on it as well. And because we are (were?) friends with them in person, we were friends with them on the website. Well Master had made some smart ass joke towards LN on said website. There was no response. But hey whatever. Like I said, it was just a joke. A joke that poked at the truth mind you. But we are the type of people that if we don't pick on you, you know we don't like you. We crack jokes, and we poke fun. And our friends? They do it right back. You give as good as you get type thing. And everyone knows that we are fucking around. We have always been this way.

And Master and LN have (had?) been friends for over a decade. So let's just say, this is nothing new.

So anyway, this morning Master and I got up and went into the living room. We both checked our e-mails and what not and we noticed, hey... LN isn't our friend on the website anymore. WTF? We figured it was a glitch of some kind. Whatever. So Master contacts MN (LN's wife) and asks what's up. She has no fucking clue. She said she found the joke Master had said yesterday funny as hell. So we let it roll. We figure that once LN gets home he'll fix it. No biggie.

Well shortly there after Master logs into His Xbox live account. He gets a hunch and checks His friends list on there. Yeah. LN removed Him as a friend on there too.

Suddenly it clicked. LN was throwing a hissy fit. Fucker. Instead of saying something, or telling us something was bothering him, whether it be a joke or something else... ya know whatever... he throws a fit and removes us as friends. Dickless wonder.

So we get home tonight and MN had left Master a message online saying that LN expected a phone call sooner or later. So Master replied back with something along the lines of LN is the one who has the problem and didn't want to talk about it and be an adult. His hands aren't broken. It always as to be LN's way or no way, and so we aren't catering to him this time.

So we shall see how this plays out.

Master is wondering if it is all due to this joke, or if he found the sword he gave us for sale on a website posted by us. Well first off, it's now our sword. We can do what the fuck we want with it. And the story he gave us about it was utter bullshit. We found that out by having it appraised. He has given away and or sold things we have given him. We never said a word, because we gave it to him, it was his to do with what he wanted. No big deal.

But I think it's the joke. I think he has thin skin, and was drunk and decided.. "Ya know what.. fuck those guys."

I'll give updates, if there are any. Why? Oh.. just because I have a feeling this is going to get amusing.

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