March 31, 2013


We didn't do a lot today. We mainly just killed time here at home before we had to head down to His mother's for dinner. It wasn't as bad as it normally is. It was actually pretty relaxed most of the time. There were a few topics that came up that were rather... sensitive. Aside from that though, it was okay.

I cannot believe that tomorrow is Monday already. I mean I know that I had a four day weekend and it honestly didn't go by overly quickly, but still. I think part of the problem is that I know this upcoming week is going to suck. My work load has been difficult to predict lately and I have a feeling that since I wasn't at work on Thursday or Friday I got slammed those days.

I just have that kind of luck, ya know?

On the bright side hopefully that means I can convince my supervisor to let me get some overtime in. Not that I want to actually do overtime, but because the time and a half would be nice. It also helps that this is my full week, which is also what sucks. It helps because that means I have more time to get shit done. It sucks because well, that means I have to stay all day Friday.

Yes, I know I sound like a whiny bitch right now about work. But fucking hell dude. I'm just not up for it lately. Mentally speaking I mean. I think it's because I'm nervous about the upcoming job hunt. Or I at least thing it has something to do with it.

Either way I have really no control over how long it takes me to find a good job to replace the one I have now. Well, I do in so far as I don't have to take whatever job is offered simply because I need out of there. That's not the case at all. If I'm going to leave my current job I want to be picky. Let's just hope it all works out in the end and that the end is sooner rather than later once the actual hunt begins.

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