January 31, 2012

Make It Stop

Please make the work week stop. I would like to get off this ride now. It's only Tuesday and I already feel like I'm ready to just curl up on the couch and not get up for a few hours, doing nothing at all. Absolutely nothing.

The work load is insane. And everything has different priority levels but for some fucked up reason our clients and some of my coworkers are bugging me over small shit while I'm trying to do higher priority work. It's frustrating as hell, trust me. I left work last week mostly caught up. Now? Now it's like I haven't done a damn thing at all in two weeks. I'm sore. I'm out of it. I feel the need to just be lazy and not move until it's time to go to bed. But that's not possible.

Don't get me wrong Master isn't demanding that I run circles around the apartment or anything it's just normal nightly stuff. My routine basically.

I do my post, I put an entry in my online mood tracker, do my exercises and then take my bath. After that it's time to take care of the animals. Master has the dog tonight so I just have to make sure the rabbits are all settled and say goodnight to them.

I don't think it would be good for me if I was just a lump on the couch all night though. I'd be even more sore and stiff. That's one thing that really sucks about fibromyalgia. You hurt, which makes you not want to move if it's severe enough but if  you don't you become more sore and stiff. It's a fucked up cycle.

In other news we finally have all of the papers we need in order for me to do our taxes. I'll be doing those this weekend. Yay! Taxes! *insert dripping sarcasm here*

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