October 7, 2011

Well That Sucked

Last night was not my night apparently. And today was not my day.

Yesterday evening went fine. I was tired and worn out but aside from that I was good. I didn't feel sick at all. I just wanted to relax and then go to bed. Well, I ended up staying up until midnight because Master allowed me to stay up to watch Netflix with Him. (New episodes of Lie To Me were uploaded. Rock on.)

At midnight Master ordered me to go to bed. So I went to the bedroom and crashed shortly there after. I felt fine. I don't know why but I woke up at 3:00am and at first all I knew was that I had to use the bathroom. I was in that half asleep zombie like state as I stumbled to the bathroom. As soon as I was done and had flushed I suddenly realized I felt extremely nauseous. And that feeling hit me like a ton of bricks.

Sure enough I threw up. I was no longer in the half asleep fog; I was wide the fuck awake and I felt like absolute hell. Apparently I was loud enough that it woke up Master. I was shaking and had stood up to brush my teeth when Master showed up at the door and asked if I was okay. I told Him that I did not feel well at all and I had no idea why. I finished brushing my teeth and then went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Master followed me. I get very shaky after I've thrown up. I'm hypoglycemic and I don't know if it's related or not but after I've been sick I start shaking like I'm shivering out in the cold.

Master then herded me back to bed. I laid down in bed again and tried to go back to sleep. It took me a little while because I wasn't sure if I was done or not. Apparently I was because I was able to drift back off to sleep. I then had to get up at 6am. Ugh. Shoot me now. Normally, if I were to be sick like that before a work day I would take that day off of work. I was still nauseous when I woke up. But I don't have much time off left and we need the money on the paycheck so off to work I went.

I felt sick to my stomach until about 2:30pm. I didn't throw up again but I felt ill and was not enjoying my day at all.

When I got home I ate some dinner and watched some Netflix with Master. I must have dozed off on the couch because the next thing I know it's 9:30pm and Master is waking me up to take care of the dog.

I'm still tired. I don't know if I'll be staying up late or not. I feel better but when I feel like that I normally am tired as hell for about a day to a day in the half.

I think it may have been something I ate yesterday but I'm not sure. All I know is I don't have the flu or anything, so that's really the only explanation I can come up with.

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