April 8, 2010

Or Not Quite..

Today when I got to work I noticed that V wasn't at her desk. I then logged onto my computer and noticed that she had called in sick. (They send out an e-mail.) I swore under my breath and then talked to my trainer. She said that she would do my job for today so I wasn't totally swamped tomorrow so I could do V's job.

Sounds good to me. I still wasn't happy because I'm sitting there thinking, "How the fuck does this bitch still have a job?!"

But I knocked out the work.

Master called me later in the afternoon. The vet had called. Radar's fecal test results were in. He has a tape worm. Fuck. So Master ran down to the vet's office.

They gave him the medication. We have to mix it in with his food for three days, and then wait four weeks, and then take another fecal sample in to make sure the infestation is cleared up. They did say that the infestation doesn't seem to be bad at all, and that we most likely caught it rather early. Especially since he is not showing any symptoms. Master had to calm me down once He got back home and called me because I was freaked.

I want Radar to be healthy! But the vet assured Master that Radar was fine, and that as long as we gave him the medication over the next three days he should be right as rain. We trust this vet whole heartedly. So Master started his first treatment as soon as He got home.

I'm glad that vet called us as soon as the results were back. Poor pup.

So I calmed down and finished out my day. About a half hour before I clocked out for the day another e-mail showed up to say that V wouldn't be in tomorrow either.

And my trainer won't be in either. So now I'll be two days behind on my normal work. Yes, my trainer did my job today but she only did a portion of it. She left the "minor" stuff for me to catch up on.

I'm wondering if V will be fired on Monday. If she is, at least I won't have to deal with her anymore. I have a feeling she won't be though. Although something tells me if it were me pulling this shit, I would have been fired a while ago.

Once I got home we ate dinner, I played with Radar for a bit, and then Master and I watched the next disc of Dexter that came in the mail today. We have one more episode left on that one and then we'll mail it in.

We also decided that in the morning I'll be the one taking Radar out before I go to work. So I'm now getting up 20 minutes earlier, but that also gives me some puppy time before work and Master can catch a bit more sleep.

His sinuses have been kicking His tail, and He has insomnia again. So the extra sleep will help with that, I hope.

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