August 6, 2009

My Brain Hates Me

Last night Master and I cuddled a little bit before we curled up and went to sleep, which was really nice.

However, this morning when my alarm went off, and I sluggishly turned it off my brain told me that today was Friday. In fact I continued to think that as I went out into the living room to start getting ready for work. I was just about to look at Master and say, "Man I'm glad it's Friday.." when suddenly my brain admitted that it had been lying to me and I realized it was actually Thursday.


But now Thursday is over and tomorrow really is Friday. This means that it is payday (yay!) and my half day. Master unfortunatley has to start at 7:30am but maybe that'll mean He gets out at a decent time as well. We can hope.

I had to get a ride home from B today because Master was late getting out ot work. But He was home before I was and had already started cooking dinner, which was nice. I had to run out and grab soda though because neither of us had realized we were out. We can't live without caffiene damnit.

Okay, we can, but it's not plesant. *giggles*

We ate dinner (yummy steak) and watched America's Got Talent, That's Impossible, and Mindfreak. Interesting line up, yes?

I've also noticed that thanks to my job of data entry my typing has gotten a lot faster and more accurate, which rocks. I wasn't a slouch before this job. My typing speed was at 65 wpm. Now? I don't know. I haven't been tested again, but it would be interesting to find out, I think.

Today, while I was away from my desk at work, Master had called to let me know that He wouldn't be able to pick me up from work. We have this running joke from when I was a waitress where He had come in to eat while I was working, and He had jokingly asked for my phone number. So I wrote it down from Him. Now we keep talking about how He "cheated" on me with that whore from the resturant. *smirks*

Well anyway, on my voicemail at work I have to put say certain things because of my line of work.. and Master made mention of it in the message He left me. He said, "No, I'm don't have (insert job specific thing here), I'm just calling to talk to this hottie that works there."

So now He's cheating on me with that whore from the resturant and someone from my current job. That bastard. ;-)

I do have to say that after I listened to that voicemail message I had a smile on my lips the rest of the afternoon.

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