August 17, 2009

Trying To Be Entertaining

Yesterday Master and I had sex twice. Each time He at some point had me basically bouncing off of His cock in whatever position we were in. As a result, today walking has been quite the experience as my thighs feel like they have had a major workout. This is of course due to the position and the fact He was bouncing me off of His cock for extended periods of time. Not that I'm complaining mind you, but stairs were damn near impossible today. *smirks*

It was a nice reminder throughout the day however.

Today at work, it was busy in the beginning of the day, but around 11am it got pretty damn boring.

There were points in the day where I thought about calling Master just to pass some time, but when He calls me or I call Him lately He doesn't want to stay on the phone long.

He's never been a phone person, and I know this. The only exception to that was when we were living apart. Then we'd be on the phone or instant messenger for hours.

He's only quit His job about a week ago. But already He is restless. I knew this would happen though. Whenever He isn't working He gets restless and doesn't really want to stay at the apartment because He is there most of the day except for when He comes to pick me up from work.

He asks me what I want to do, but really aside from our usual routine at home, there isn't much to do that won't cost a lot of money and/or won't keep us out most of the night when I have to go to work the next day.

Window shopping bores us both rather quickly, or we'll get frustrated because we'll find something we want and then know we can't buy it.

The movies? Aside from District 9 there isn't really anything playing that we want to see, and Master's back has been bothering Him so movie theater seating doesn't sound like a great idea.

The bar? Well the bar we normally go to is rather cheap, but we like to stay until about 11pm and then we have about a 20 minute drive home and neither of us are tired at that point. Then I have to get up at 6:30am the next day. That sucks.

B normally doesn't want to come over during the week. In fact unless we are going out, he doesn't really want to come over anymore, since he got his girlfriend. And even if we do go out, it takes like three weeks in advance planning to get things set in stone.

We could go to L and M's I suppose, but L doesn't really want us coming over unless M is off of work.. and then we have to deal with their screaming brat of a child.

I know Master is restless, and I understand why. When He's working He doesn't really want to do a lot but go home and relax during the week.. but when He's not? He doesn't want to be inside these four walls any more then He has to be.

So I try to be good company and keep a conversation going. The computer bores Him after a while.. and so does the Xbox 360 right now.

He's tossing applications out left and right online. I know He has gone to some companies and applied in person. But these days most places take applications via the internet. So He browses, and He clicks, and He sends...

Hopefully something will pan out for Him soon.

He has to call unemployment tomorrow. I filed His original claim and His first weekly claim already. But since He quit His last job they want to talk to Him. Again, I knew that was coming because they want to know why He quit.

Another reason why I hesitate to call is that I'm worried I'll annoy Him or we'll just sit there on the phone in silence because there isn't a lot going on at home or at my job right now. So I wait until I get home to talk to Him.

I miss Him terribly when I'm at work. I did when He was working too, but now there is that thing in the back of my mind going, "He's home. We could be cuddling with Him or 'x', 'y' and 'z'"... you know. That part of me that loves when I have an extra day off and I get to spend it with Him.

In the next few weeks I'll have a three day weekend though, due to the office being closed. So that will be nice.

Tonight, after dinner I took my bath and put on some stockings.

I really need to go through my lingerie and throw out the stuff that is ripped, or no longer has it's matching pieces. And maybe, just maybe, we can afford to get me some new stockings or something along those lines soon.

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