August 27, 2009

My Caveman

That is what I call Master, from time to time. Actually.. I call Him that quite a bit. He doesn't mind it. I almost wonder if He enjoys that nickname. Last night after I was done online, and had read a book for a little while I curled up on my slave mat and was watching Master play a video game.

At some point in time I apparently passed out. The next thing I remember is Master gently lifting me from my slave mat and me clutching at my pillow to bring it with me while also trying to wrap my arms around Him. He carried me to the bedroom, slowly lowered me onto the bed and told me to get comfortable. Shortly there after He also climbed into bed and curled up tight to me. It was so sweet of Him. I was telling one of my coworkers about it this morning and she said, "Aw, that's so romantic." And I just smiled and said, "That's my Caveman." She gave me a weird look and I said, "If you knew my Husband, it would make sense. Trust me."

She then complained about how her husband would never do that. He would just leave her on the couch sleeping. *shrugs* I just told her it's easy for Master to do because He's a foot and three inches taller then I am. *giggles*

Work went well today. We had a meeting and we are implementing a few new procedures that are slowing down my production for a little while. But once I get used to the new procedures I'll be flying through my work as usual.

Master picked me up from work, and we made a quick stop at the grocery store and then had brats for dinner. Yummy!

Oh! And before I forget, Master is looking for a little help over on His blog... check it out.. and if you have any info please comment on His post!

So far tonight, we've watched two episodes of America's Got Talent and Master has played some video games. That's been about it. A headache is starting to creep it's way into my left temple. *sigh* Thanks to the weather being all over the damn place, I've been having a lot of headaches and my shoulders and lower back are reacting to the rain and pressure fronts. I'm looking forward to the weekend. We don't have anything planned, but I just need a couple of days to relax and unwind with my mate.

Due to my headache, I think I'm going to cut this short before I make it worse.

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