August 13, 2009

The Elevator At Work Tried To Eat Me Today

No seriously. I was taking the elevator at work down to the basement today to go to the vending machine, and as I was stepping out of the elevator, something I've done at least six times a day, five days a week, for almost five months.... the heel of my boots got caught in that strip between the elevator and the floor you're stepping onto. I didn't fall over, or anything comical like that. But it still sucked.

At first I thought I was going to have to pull my boot off and then get it out of there. But I decided to be stubborn. I kept my boot on and just kept tugging at it, praying that the elevator doors wouldn't close. Thankfully they didn't and a few good tugs later, the heel of my boot was free.

Elevators are evil.

Oddly enough there was no damage to my boot. Bonus points.

Other then that, my day at work was pretty uneventuful and boring. When Master picked me up from work we went to a pet food store and attempted to buy a bag of rabbit food. We stood there, and stood there, and stood there some more. There was only one employee in the store and that person was helping some skank and her trick... er... I mean man and woman... pick out things for a reptile enviroment. Okay, I get it. You're assisting another customer. But one thing that I was always taught in retail was that if you are a cashier, or the only one in the store, and you are assisting a customer, but you see someone waiting at the register. You polietly excuse yourself, tell the people that you are helping that you will be right back, and then go assist the people at the checkout. Once that is done, you go back to the people you were helping before.

But no. This dude just kept talking and pointing different shit out. We stood there for a good 10 minutes, before leaving the rabbit food at the counter and walking out of the store.

We went to a different store and got rabbit food. From there we went to the gas station and then went home.

It's official. My brand of cigarettes are now FSC. (For those of you who don't smoke, that means fire safe cigarettes.) It kind of sucks, because you have to suck a little harder to get your nic fix. But oh well. Master's are not FSC which means He could burn the apartment down at any moment. (Kidding.)

When we got home we had dinner, and have been relaxing the evening away.

I just have to get through tomorrow and then it's the weekend! Yay!

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