August 7, 2009

I Started Off In a Good Mood Today

Truly, I did. I woke up and was in a good mood. It was pay day. It was my half day. So yeah, I was in a pretty good mood.

I went to work, got out at noon. The bus was on time. I got home at a decent time because the bus didn't have to stop every damn two blocks. The day was going well.

That is until about oh.. say 3pm or so. Master had been on a job site and it was raining on His drive back to the shop. Well, He was driving a work truck that had a trailer attached to it with very heavy equipment on it. During the drive home He noticed that the truck was taking a bit longer to stop fully then usual. So He slowed down a bit and what not, trying to take extra precautions and what not.

Well He called me and the first words out of His mouth were, "I'm fine." This sends all sorts of bells and whistles off in my head, because when He starts a conversation off that way I know without a shadow of doubt that something bad just happened.

And I was right.

He had been taking a gradual turn onto the road He needed to take, and as He was turning the wheel, the truck kept going straight. So He hit the brakes a bit more and the truck kept going. The brakes weren't stopping the truck, and the truck wasn't turning.

Apparently the brakes had given and later Master found out that the tires on the work truck are bald. Joy. Really fucking safe work truck, assholes. And because of the heavy equipment in the trailer He was pulling, that just seemed to be pushing the truck as well. So Master ended up in a ditch and hit a road sign. Well, actually the truck broke the road sign in half.

Thankfully Master is fine. But I'm sitting there going, "What the FUCK?! Why are they having You drive a truck with bad brakes and bald tires?!"

So then He has to sit there and wait for His supervisor to come down, a tow truck to show up, and of course the cops.

Master got a $200 ticket for failure to maintain control of a vehicle. Thanks. We really fucking needed that, especially after that bullshit that happened on Monday. And the cop told Him that she wasn't sure if the bill for the road sign was going to go to His job, or to Him. I told Him if it comes to Him He's taking it into work. No way in hell He should have to pay for that.

So after all that He got home around 6pm. We relaxed for a little while and then went out to dinner like we always do on Fridays. Well Master never wears a seat belt, and because of all the street lights that were on, He didn't realize that He hadn't fully clicked the headlights of our car on. Honest mistake. I didn't even notice the headlights weren't on.

So we got pulled over because the resturant that we go to is on a bar strip, and there were four cop cars just parked along the side of the road waiting for an excuse to pull someone over.

The cop said, "I pulled you over because you don't have any headlights on." The cop asked Master if He had been drinking, which no.. we had not been drinking. So the cop runs Master's license. Everything came back fine. The cop was really cool about it and said to just make sure our headlights were fully on and told Master to put His seatbelt on. No ticket, thankfully.

So yeah. One hell of a day.

But thankfully Master is fine. Today could have been a lot worse.

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