June 30, 2009

Yadda, Yadda, Yadda

It's only Tuesday. Boo!

Only two days to go until the weekend though. It's a three day weekend this week due to July 4th. But this week (the whole whopping two days of it) is ticking by ever so slowly.

I like my job, I really do. But it's frustrating as hell when time goes by so slowly. Plus it looks like this weekend it's just Master and myself. *gasp* Although I have a feeling that will change as the weekend gets closer. Don't ask me why I think that. I just do.

Work was pretty uneventful today. Master picked me up and we went home. He took His shower and we had pizza for dinner. We were supposed to drop off the rent check and go grocery shopping this evening but Master wasn't in the best of moods and rent isn't really due until tomorrow, and obviously we could eat without going grocery shopping... sssooo... we are putting it all off until tomorrow. Hopefully He gets out of work on time.

Other than that there isn't a lot going on right now. Exciting, isn't it?

Hell there isn't even a lot going on in my head right now. So it's not like I can delve into my gray matter and yank something out of there. I'm just sort of here, ya know?

Maybe tomorrow I'll have more to blog about.

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