April 29, 2009

Late Night

First I would like to thank Vanimp for giving me the sexy blogger award. :-D I will be doing that tomorrow, because well.. Master and I got home late and I need to crank out my daily post.

First I will get the day to day stuff done. :-)

Last night Master used me for His pleasure and talked dirty to me almost the entire time. I fucking love it when He does that! And we happily passed out curled up together.

This morning we got up and got ready for work. It was a long day for some reason. Probably because this Friday is pay day and don't we all love pay day? (Well except for the taxes part anyway..)

Master picked me up from work and we went home just long enough for Him to take a shower and for me to run one quick errand. From there we headed down to my dad's place. Master wanted to go visit, so we did. We had a mostly good time except for the fact that my father's girlfriend's son (say that three times fast) was throwing a hissy fit and throwing his bike parts all around the damn mud room because his girlfriend couldn't spend the night. Mature 20 year old huh?

Anywho.. We stayed later than we expected, as usual. So we got fast food on the way home and just now got done eating. It's currently 10:30pm and normally during the week we're in bed by 11pm. I have a feeling I'm going to be tired tomorrow, and so is Master.

We're getting along great. I'm doing my best to follow my rules and please Him. I'm glad that I came to my senses. Thank you for the encouraging words and for those of you who updated your links.. again.. :-D Sorry.

Now, on to something that I really don't understand. Drama alert.

You've been warned.

Over on Master's blog, of course He's been posting again. This particular post has gotten some comments that make me go, "Um.. wtf?"

We've been together for six years. In those six years we have had our ups and downs and our what the fuck just happened moments. Thankfully, it's been mainly ups. And then sometimes, one or both of us with throw a wrench into the mix and we both have to correct it.

One particular comment that I love is this: "She’s a submissive, for chrissake, and she will go to any possible length not to blame YOU. She cannot help feeling that if something is wrong, then she is the one to blame. That’s how most submissive are wired. and it’s YOUR job to understand when that’s true and when it’s not."

Love it. Oh, I fully admit I'm the one who sat down and went, "We should change this... again.." He agreed to it because He wants me to be happy, and also wanted to see where it would go. Now, it turned out, as it always does when we had tried to go a different route, that I was miserable that way. And so was He. So we talked again, and fixed it. And now we're back where we belong.

However, just because I am a slave or submissive, or whatever the fuck you want to call it.. does not mean I always think I am the one to blame. In this case, however, I am. Me. *raises hand*

He can be wrong, and yes He's thrown a wrench into the mix a time or two Himself. But it doesn't matter who the fuck is to blame. In a relationship, what you're supposed to do, or rather the healthy thing to do in my opinion, is to fix it together. Not spend time pointing the finger and going, "This is all your fault, you fucking fix it. Not me! Nope! I'm innocent!"

Now sometimes, I admit we may come across that way in our blog posts. I can be all whoa is me, and He can be hellfire and brimstone. But ya know what? It's what the blogs are here for, in part. They are here for us to vent, and to get shit out instead of letting it build and fester and then explode in our faces. Also, it helps kick off conversations sometimes.

However, thank you oh wise perfect stranger for giving me a psych eval that I didn't have to pay for. I appreciate it. May I have my certificate and pretty pills now please?

I understand that when you read a blog, sometimes you get so caught up in it that you feel you know that person, or those people, who are the authors. You think you have it all figured out. But you never really do. You catch a glimpse, you catch a mood, or a thought at that exact moment. It doesn't mean you know them. Sometimes friendships are formed this way. I know I've made a few.

But what goes on after the computer is shut down, and it's just that person, or that couple, alone.. together.. you will never know exactly what is going on. It's impossible to share everything. I'd be here for hours on end trying to catalog every little thing.

Don't get me wrong, I apprecaite most of the comments I get, and even some of the ones Master gets.. even if they don't mesh with what Master and I think or feel. Thank you for stating your opinion. However, when you come across as an online Dr. Ruth jackass, well that's an entirely different thing.

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